Suståne is a line of fertilizers and soil builders that combines the many benefits of high quality compost with the performance and precision of a slow release fertilizer. Suståne is the world’s leading manufacturer-exporter of organic and natural base slow release nitrogen fertilizers for all green industries. Suståne’s products are designed for  organic farms and gardens, turf and ornamental plants and native vegetative establishment. There are Suståne products available for all crop fertility, establishment, maintenance, reclamation and soil building programs. Suståne fertilizers are derived from aerobic, concentrated compost – rich in humus, dense in nutrients and biologically active.


Sustane FlourishWDF 8 2 4Family600pxl
  • Product Page Grid Blurb: A complete water-dispersible fertilizer concentrate powder.

Sustane FlourishWDF 8 2 4Family600pxl

Suståne Flourish®  8-2-4 Water Dispersible Fertilizer

OMRI CDFA seal 6cm 4col
Flourish 8-2-4 WDF Labels:
1 lb.
3 lb.
20 lb.
Spec Sheet MSDS OMRI Certificate




Available in 1 lb. and 3 lb. Canisters and 20 lb. 5-gallon pails

Item #  Package Size  Units / Case  Units / Pallet 
 70-50-2001  1 lb. canisters  12 / case  80 cases
 70-50-2003  3 lb. canisters  12 / case  40 cases
 70-50-2011  20 lb. 5-gallon pail  N/A  48 pails


Suståne Flourish 8-2-4 WDF is an all-in-one input designed for manual fertigation. Suståne Flourish WDF provides powdered organic nutrients and biostimulants and is well suited for the production of diverse plants, indoors and outdoors. 

Recommended Use:

  • Is designed for use in manual fertigation. Due to organic compost particulates, Flourish WDF is not compatible with commercial sprayers or fertigation systems.
  • Is the ideal supplement for Suståne amended soils and potting mixes. 
  • Use in conjunction with Suståne Compost Tea to supercharge
    soil microbiology.

Benefits of Flourish 8-2-4 WDF

  • The power of Suståne granular fertilizer is now microsized to provide complete and balanced plant-soil builders.
  • Water-soluble micro-nutrients and amino acids provide immediately available plant nutrition.
  • Formulated with organic and mineral nitrogen sources for rapid plant growth response.
  • Contains 2% naturally occurring humates and a kelp-based biostimulant for greater root development.


  • Developed and tested with progressive, commercial growers, and leading University researchers.
  • Balanced levels of macro-, meso-, and micro-nutrients to promote efficient root uptake and more vigorous plant growth.
  • Mixes and disperses readily with water and contains minimal insoluble organic carriers.
  • Organic and NOP-compliant material

Guaranteed Analysis

Total Nitrogen (N) 8%
0.1% Ammoniacal Nitrogen
0.6% Nitrate Nitrogen
6.1% Water Soluble Organic Nitrogen
1.2% Water Insoluble Organic Nitrogen*
Available Phosphate (P2O5) 2%
Soluble Potash (K2O) 4%
Calcium (Ca) 3.00%
Magnesium 0.50%
Sulfur 1.50%

Derived from hydrolyzed plant protein, aerobically composted turkey litter, sodium nitrate, sulfate of potash, and langbeinite.
*1.2% slowly available nitrogen from aerobically composted turkey litter.


 1% Kelp Extract 

Use and Application Rates:

Application rates of Suståne water-dispersible fertilizers should be made based according to the crop's nutritional needs and tolerance for salt stress. This material should be diluted in water and mixed well prior to application. For best results, add package contents to fresh water in clean containers with mixing as described below (see reverse).

The preparation of a homogenous solution is critical to successful fertigation. It is highly recommended that growers prepare a base concentrate of Sustane’s Flourish WDF in a watering can or bucket of water before dispensing to ensure proper application rate. When diluted correctly, this product can be applied to plants with a watering can. Due to organic compost particulates, Flourish WDF is not compatible with commercial sprayers or fertigation systems.

Fertigation Rates and Application:

Prepare a base concentrate by thoroughly mixing up to 2 tablespoons (approximately 15 g) per gallon of water (of Suståne Flourish WDF per 1 gallon of water (or 4 g per liter). Fertilizer solutions can be applied every one to two weeks depending on crop demand and growing conditions.

Nutrients Supplied (PPM):

Tablespoons per GallonApplicationFertilizer StrengthNPKSCaMgFe
0.5 Indoor Plants Low 75 19 37 14 25 3 1

Flowers / Vegetable Gardens

Medium 150 37 75 28 50 6 3
 2 Trees / Shrubs High 300 75 150 57 100 18


Low Rate: Recommended for use on salt-sensitive species; when concurrent with liquid feed; with production systems utilizing low leaching fractions (less than 10%); and when applied to heavy potting substrates (total porosity less than 65%).

Medium Rate: Recommended for use on medium feeding species; on most nursery stock and foliage plants; and when liquid feed is not performed concurrently.

High Rate: Recommended for use on heavy feeding species; with production systems utilizing high leaching fractions (greater than 20%); and when applied to light, porous substrates (total porosity greater than 80%).

Bulk Density of Suståne 8-2-4:

Rounded Measure (Volume) Teaspoon (tsp) Tablespoon (Tbs) 1 oz 1/4 cup 1/2 cup 1 cup
Weight (grams) 2.8 8.5 17 34 68 136
  • These rates are intended as guidelines. Suståne encourages a trial prior to changing any fertilizer program.
  • Do not steam sterilize container mix after fertilizer has been incorporated.
  • Monitor electrical conductivity (EC) of container substrate throughout the production cycle.
  • Adjust application rate as needed.
  • Product Grade:


Suståne Concentrated Compost 

For Rebuilding Poor Quality Soil and Providing Essential Organic Nutrients 

OMRI   biobased
Label Spec Sheet MSDS OMRI Certificate





Suståne Concentrated Compost provides the benefits of nutrient-rich compost in a concentrated dry form. Suståne Concentrated Compost is easy to apply and replenishes the soil with a rich supply of stabilized organic matter and essential nutrients required for quality growth. Suståne Concentrated Compost provides a combination of plant nutrients and organic substances derived from biologically stable aerobic compost.

Recommended Use:

For use as a general soil builder, erosion control, reclamation, bio-remediation, revegetation, and building or disturbed or depleted soils. Native establishment and soil reclamation and remediation and in the production of certified organic crops.

Benefits of Suståne Concentrated Compost

  • Provides the benefits of compost in a dry, concentrated form which minimizes transportation and application costs.
  • Contains all primary, secondary and tertiary nutrients for plant growth eliminating the need to apply additional fertilizer.
  • Adds approximately 10% humates by weight.
  • Low Salt Index (6) requires no delay in planting following application.
  • Supplies soil with 60% Organic Matter in the form of stabilized humus.
  • Carbon: Nitrogen Ratio (9:1) ensures no N immobilization in soil.
  • Increases the nutrient and water holding capacity of the soil.
  • Enhances the soil’s ability to suppress plant pathogens.
  • Improves and sustains soil health.
  • Improves buffering against changes in soil pH.
  • Increases the soil’s C.E.C (cation exchange capacity).
  • Improves soil structure, porosity, and stability leading to greater root development, infiltration, and soil micropores.

Always Safe for Plants, People, and the Environment

  • Manufactured by Suståne in the USA at an EPA-permitted facility.
  • Pathogen and weed/seed-free, no blood, bone, or meat products.
  • The only organic allowed for export to over 50 countries worldwide.
  • USDA NOP, COR, EU, and JAS organic compliant.
  • Aerobic composting eliminates animal and rodent attraction to the application site.
  • Suståne will not attract flies or other insects. 
  • Suståne is fully composted - not sterilized; enhancing the soil environment for beneficial microbial populations.

Guaranteed Analysis

Total Nitrogen (N) 2.0%
  0.2% Ammoniacal Nitrogen
  0.2% Water Soluble Organic Nitrogen
  1.6% Water Insoluble Organic Nitrogen*
Available Phosphate (P2O5) 2%
Soluble Potash (K2O) 2%
Calcium (Ca) 4%
Magnesium 1%

Total Plant Nutrition

Humic Acid 10%
Organic Matter 60%
pH 7.0
Carbon: Nitrogen (C:N) 9:1
Bulk Density lb./cu. ft 38
Moisture content 5%
% of Total N as Slow Release 80%
Electrical Conductivity <10dS/m
Cation Exchange Capacity (C.E.C.) 104 meq/100g

Derived from aerobically composted turkey litter.
*1.6% slowly available nitrogen from aerobically composted turkey litter

Available Particle Sizes:

  • Screened to 100% < 0.25*

General Coverage:

  • 40 lb. covers 1000 ft2 @ 1 lb. N per 1000 ft2 (44 lb. N per acre)
  • 20 kg covers 100 m2 @ 0.5 kg N per 100 m2 (50 kg N per hectare)


  • Apply 40 lb. per 1000 ft2
  • Apply 200 g per 1 m2

Suståne Integrated Soil Management Program:

Land Management, Native Restoration & Erosion Control Programs:


  • For 60 lb. of N per acre apply 3,000 lb.
  • For 80 lb. of N per acre apply 4,000 lb.
  • For 120 lb. of N per acre apply 6,000 lb.

Soil Preparation

  • Light, High Sandy Soil: 136 lb. per 1000 square feet of bed
  • Medium, Clay Loam Soil: 90 lb. per 1000 square feet of bed
  • Heavy, Silty, Clay Loam: 68 lb. per 1000 square feet of bed

(Hydroseeding: Mix with water solution at a ratio of 4 lb. Suståne 2-6-3 to 1 gallon of water or 2 tons per 1,000 gallon tank)

Soil Remediation: For bio-remediation, forest re-establishment & extreme situations where top soil has been removed or badly damaged.

  • Incorporate 136 lb per 1,000 ft2 into the damaged soil.
  • Re-apply 60 to 90 days later at a rate of 68 lb. per 1,000 ft2.

Crop Production:

Broadcast Application Rates:

  • Low Rate: apply 1,200 lb. per acre
  • Medium Rate: apply 2,000 lb. per acre
  • High Rate: apply 2,800 lb. per acre

Timing and Methods of Application

  • Fall application, post-harvest. Broadcast apply followed by light incorporation.
  • Spring application, pre-plant. Broadcast apply followed by light incorporation.
  • During planting, it can be applied by grain drills, banded or air seeders, direct with seed.
  • During cultivation, apply next to row or use Suståne 8-2-4 for higher N demanding crops.

Preparation for Gardens, Landscapes, and Agricultural Crop Land:

Suståne Concentrated Compost is intended as a general soil builder for broadcast application and improving soil organic matter levels, cation exchange capacity and enhancing and diversifying soil biological activity levels.

Soil Preparation:

  • Light, High Sandy Soil: 14 lb. per 100 square feet of bed
  • Medium, Clay Loam Soil 10 lb. per 100 square feet of bed
  • Heavy, Silty, Clay Loam 7 lb. per 100 square feet of bed
  • Product Page Grid Blurb: Synergistic blend of Suståne Organic Compost, Mycorrhizae Innoculum and Biostimulants.
  • Product Grade:


Sustane25lb50lbBolsterG bothsizes

Label Original Spec Sheet
Updated Spec Sheet




BOLSTER GRANULAR 4-4-4 + Iron with mycorrhizae is a granulated professional turfgrass and landscape fertilizer.

From the leaders in soil health and plant care, Suståne has developed a combination product that deploys the best components for Rapid Plant and Turf Establishment. BOLSTER GRANULAR 4-4-4 + Iron contains a powerful, synergistic blend of mycorrhizae, growth factors, and plant biostimulants proven to promote rapid root development, superior growth, and protect roots from drought, stress, transplant shock, pathogens, and soil contaminants.

Recommended Use:

BOLSTER GRANULAR 4-4-4 + Iron is designed for all turfgrass and landscape plantings. Bolster G is during core aerification of golf course greens and other fine turfgrass. It is also used in the soil profile during new greens construction and landscape bed preparation as well as in container mix substrates. Bolster G must be incorporated into the root zone to achieve the full benefit.


25 years of applied research have consistently proven Suståne Natural Fertilizers to be the leader in plant establishment, soil physical improvement, and biological disease suppression. Suståne Triple Four is made from a thorough, aerobic composting process unlike any other organic fertilizer on the world market today. This basic Suståne contains 3% organically chelated iron plus all major and minor elements known to be essential for plant photosynthesis. This is an 80% Slow Release Nitrogen ratio natural fertilizer rich in humic substances, is foolproof, and will not cause “fertilizer burn” to plant materials. To improve on Basic Suståne’s unsurpassed plant establishment, the following components have been added:

Bolster4 4 4mycorrhizae sustanemicroscope

VA mycorrhizae

Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi: Glomus intraradices, Glomus etunicatum, Glomus deserticola, and Glomus clarum. Guaranteed a minimum of 3.52 propagules per g. Mycorrhizal presence equates to “Healthy Soils”. It affects available soil nutrition, the physical structure of the soil, and the number of and types of other organisms present in the soil. “Mycorrhizae” refers to the species of fungi that form beneficial associations with plants. It is a “Facilitator” that brings nutrients to plant roots, exudes “Glomalin” to improve soil structure, and actually fill up available entry sites along roots to inhibit pathogens from attacking. Mycorrhizal fungi are a critical component of healthy soils.

Features of BOLSTER GRANULAR 4-4-4 + Iron:

  • Contains beneficial V.A. Mycorrhizae.
  • Contains BOLSTER Plant Biostimulant.
  • Contains Ascophyllum nodosum seaweed.
  • BOLSTER G is extremely safe and will not burn or discolor turfgrass.
  • Promotes rapid root development.
  • Protects roots from drought stress.
  • Reduces transplant shock.
  • Helps protect roots from some pathogens and soil contaminants.

Benefits of BOLSTER GRANULAR 4-4-4 + 3Fe

  • Provides quick green up followed by six to eight weeks of even color and growth.
  • Increases the nutrient and water holding capacity of the soil.
  • Strengthens plants tolerance against hot dry conditions.
  • Promotes greater root development.
  • Improves buffering against changes in soil pH.
  • Increases the soil’s ability to suppress plant pathogens.
  • Increases soil porosity and stability for greater root development and water holding capacity.

Always Safe for Plants, People, and the Environment

  • Manufactured by Suståne in the USA at an EPA permitted facility.
  • Pathogen and weed-free, no blood or bone products. Allowed for export to over 60 countries worldwide.
  • Aerobic composting eliminates animal and rodent attraction to the application site.
  • Contains naturally occurring beneficial bacteria and fungi that are necessary to begin the nutrient life cycle in poor soil.
  • Suståne is fully composted eliminating the need for sterilization, permitting a healthy environment for beneficial microbial populations.

Available Particle Sizes:

  • Medium Grade, 200 SGN (2.8 mm - 1.4 mm)
  • Fine Grade, 100 SGN (1.4 mm - 0.6 mm)


  • 50 lb. covers 2500 ft2 @ 1 lb. N per 1000 ft2 (44 lb. N per acre)
  • 22.67 kg covers 232 m2 @ 0.5 kg N per 100 m2 (50 kg N per hectare)


  • Apply 20 lb. per 1000 ft2
  • Apply 100 g per 1 m2

Turf Establishment, Seeding, New Lawn Construction Laying Sod, and Sprigging:

Turf establishment accelerates with BOLSTER GRANULAR from Suståne. A complete package containing Slow Release Nitrogen chelated micronutrients, mycorrhizal, and BOLSTER Plant Biostimulant. BOLSTER GRANULAR has been demonstrated time and again to surpass synthetic turf starter fertilizers and other sources of humates and plant biostimulants.

Preplant - Broadcast and Incorporate into the top 4 in. (5 cm) of soil

  • 50 lb. per 1,000 ft2 or 2,200 lb. per acre
  • 25 kg per 100 m2 or 1,250 kg per hectare

NOTE: Mycorrhizae must make contact with plant roots to remain viable. BOLSTER GRANULAR is not recommended for topdressing application

Uses & Application:Greens & TeesFairways, Athletic Fields, Parks & Lawncare
Rate (lb./1,000 ft2) Application Frequency Rate (lb./1,000 ft2) Application Frequency
Early Feeding N/A N/A N/A N/A
Turf Establishment 20-30 2 12-25 2
Summer Stress/Disease Prevention N/A N/A N/A N/A
Core Aerification 12-25 1-2 12-20 2
Overseeding 12 At Overseeding 12 At Overseeding
Dormant Feeding N/A N/A N/A N/A
Snow Mold N/A N/A N/A N/A

Land Management, Native Restoration & Erosion Control Programs:


  • For 44 lb. of N per acre apply 1100 lb.
  • For 90 lb. of N per acre apply 2200 lb.
  • For 130 lb. of N per acre apply 3400 lb.

Soil Preparation

  • Light, High Sandy Soil: 20 lb. per 100 square feet of bed
  • Medium, Clay Loam Soil: 15 lb. per 100 square feet of bed
  • Heavy, Silty, Clay Loam: 10 lb. per 100 square feet of bed

(Hydroseeding : Mix with water solution at a ratio of 4 lb. Suståne Bolster Granular to 1 gallon of water or 2 tons per 1,000-gallon tank)

Incorporating into Potting Soil Mixes and other Container Substrates:

Suståne Bolster Granular provides a constant release of nutrients when used with container substrates with an average temperature of 70oF / 21oC. When determining application rates consider all cultural practices including irrigation, container substrate physical characteristics, and growing environment.

Container Mix Application Rates:

Container Mix Rates by Volume
Rounded Measure (Volume)Grams (weight)
Teaspoon (tsp) Tablespoon (Tbs) 1 oz 1/4 cup 1/2 cup 1 cup
11 20 30 6.5 11.8 17.8

Low Rate: Recommended for use on salt-sensitive species; when concurrent with liquid feed with production systems utilizing low leaching fractions (less than 10%) and when applied to heavy potting substrates (total porosity less than 65%).

Medium Rate: Recommended for use on salt-sensitive species; when concurrent with liquid feed with production systems utilizing low leaching fractions (less than 10%) and when applied to heavy potting substrates (total porosity less than 65%).

High Rate: Recommended for use on heavy feeding species; with production systems utilizing high leaching fractions (greater than 20%); and when applied to light, porous substrates (total porosity greater than 80%).

Bulk Density of Suståne Bolster Granular:

Container Mix Rates by Volume
Rounded Measure (Volume)Grams (weight)
Teaspoon (tsp) Tablespoon (Tbs) 1 oz 1/4 cup 1/2 cup 1 cup
2.8 8.5 17 34 68 136

Guaranteed Analysis

Total Nitrogen 4%
0.4% Ammoniacal Nitrogen
0.4% Other Water Soluble Organic Nitrogen
3.2% Water Insoluble Nitrogen*
Available Phosphate (P2O5) 4%
Soluble Potash (K2O) 4%
Iron  3.00%
Calcium 4.00%
Magnesium 0.5%
Sulfur 1.00%

Also contains other non-plant food ingredients

Seaweed Extract (Ascophyllum nodosum) .1.0%
Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhizae 1.75%
Guaranteed minimum of 3.52 propagules per gram:
Glomus intraradices 2.47 prop./g
Glomus etunicatum 0.35 prop./g
Glomus deserticola 0.35 prop./g
Glomus clarum 0.35 prop./g

Total Plant Nutrition

Humic Acid 6.3%
Seaweed extract (Ascophyllum nodosum) 1%
Organic Matter 50%
pH 6.8
Carbon: Nitrogen (C:N) 4:1
Bulk Density lb./cu. ft 39
% of Total N as Slow Release 80%

Derived from aerobically composted turkey litter, methylene urea, and sulfate of potash.
*3.2% slowly available nitrogen from aerobically composted turkey litter and methylene Urea

10 1 4FINE50lb 600wide
  • Product Page Grid Blurb: Natural-based spring starter greens grade turf fertilizer.
  • Product Grade:

10 1 4FINE50lb 600wide

Suståne® 10-1-4 Natural Based Spring Starter Greens Grade Turf Fertilizer

Label Spec Sheet MSDS


Suståne 10-1-4 Spring Turf Starter is homogeneously granulated for greens, tees, and tight cut fairways. With a quick nitrogen release rate from Ammonium Sulfate, it is perfectly suited for cooler climates with late winters

Recommended Use:

Suståne 10-1-4 is designed for as a putting green fertilizer. Ideal for early spring or late fall application when cooler temperatures prevail. Suitable for use on all turfgrass types providing quick green combined with organic base.

Benefits of Suståne 10-1-4

  • Provides quick green up followed by six to eight weeks of even color and growth
  • Provides soluble nitrogen for early green up in cold soils.
  • 75% of the total nitrogen is water soluble and readily available.
  • The N source is in the ammonium sulfate form and is known to lower soil pH and aid in suppression of certain turfgrass diseases.
  • Organic base carrier from Suståne compost and natural sulfate of potash supply all other nutrients and humic substances required for total soil nutrient cycling.
  • The first high soluble N source for turf carried on and buffered by Suståne concentrated compost.
  • Homogenous 1 mm particles - each particle contains all components
  • Fast, uniform coverage penetrates into turf canopy with light irrigation
  • Increases the nutrient and water holding capacity of the soil
  • Strengthens plants tolerance against hot dry conditions
  • Promotes greater root development
  • Improves buffering against changes in soil pH
  • Increases the soil’s ability to suppress plant pathogens
  • Increases soil porosity and stability for greater root development and water holding capacity

Always Safe for Plants, People and the Environment

  • Manufactured by Suståne in the USA at an EPA permitted facility.
  • Pathogen and weed free, no blood or bone products. Allowed for export to over 60 countries world wide.
  • Aerobic composting eliminates animal and rodent attraction to application site.
  • Contains naturally occurring beneficial bacteria and fungi that are necessary to begin nutrient life cycle in poor soil.
  • Suståne is fully composted eliminating the need for sterilization, permitting a healthy environment for beneficial microbial populations.

Guaranteed Analysis

Total Nitrogen (N) 10%
7.5% Ammoniacal Nitrogen
2.5% Water Insoluble Nitrogen*
Available Phosphate (P2O5) 1%
Soluble Potash (K2O) 4%
Calcium (Ca) 2%
Sulfur (S) 10%

Total Plant Nutrition

Humic Acid 4%
Organic Matter 50%
pH 6.8
Carbon:Nitrogen (C:N) 4:1
Bulk Density lb./cu. ft 39
% of Total N as Slow Release 25%

Derived from aerobically composted turkey litter, ammonium sulfate, methylene urea, and sulfate of potash.
*2.5% slowly available nitrogen from aerobically composted turkey litter and methylene Urea

Availble Particle Sizes:

  • Fine Grade, 100 SGN (1.4 mm - 0.6 mm)


  • 50 lb. covers 5000 f2 @ 1 lb. N per 1000 ft2 (44 lb. N per acre)
  • 22.67 kg covers 465 m2 @ 0.5 kg N per 100 m2 (50 kg N per hectare)


  • Apply 10 lb. per 1000 ft2
  • Apply 50 g per 1 m2

Suståne Integrated Soil Management Program:

The following chart shows the recommended amounts of Suståne 10-1-4 for a typical integrated program.

Uses & Application:Greens & TeesFairways, Athletic Fields, Parks & Lawncare
Rate (lb./1,000 ft2) Application Frequency Rate (lb./1,000 ft2) Application Frequency
Early Feeding 5-10 1-2 5-10 1-2
Turf Establishment N/A N/A N/A N/A
Summer Stress/Disease Prevention 5-10 Monthly 5-10 Monthly
Core Aerification N/A N/A N/A N/A
Overseeding N/A N/A N/A N/A
Dormant Feeding 10 Prior to Dormancy 10 Prior to Dormancy
Snow Mold 10-15 1 Late Season
1 Early Spring
10-15 1 Late Season
1 Early Spring
16-4-8 Root Zone Feeder Pack
  • Product Page Grid Blurb: Provides single dose of Suståne and Controlled Release Fertilizer in a biodegradable paper filter pack.

Label Spec Sheet MSDS
Slow Release Fertilizer a in Biodegradable Filter Pack
180 - 250 Day Nutrient Release at 70º F


16 4 8 Root Zone Feeder Pak box bag


Suståne 16-4-8

Root Zone Feeder Paks provide single-dose applications of Suståne organic and controlled release fertilizers designed to provide long-lasting plant nutrition in a completely biodegradable paper filter pack. This product is designed to provide a continuous release of nutrients for up to 8 months at 70º F (23º C) soil temperature.


Recommended Use:

Suståne 16-4-8 Root Zone Feeder Pack is designed for use in all flowers, trees, shrubs, and perennial plantings including landscape areas, potted plants, and hanging baskets.

Features of Suståne 16-4-8 Root Zone Feeder Packs:

  • Assures controlled dose applications
  • Suståne Organic+CRF produces predictable results, dependable performance, and high-quality plants.
  • 50% Suståne All Natural Compost Based Fertilizer
  • 50% coated 6-month Controlled Release Fertilizer
  • One application per plant per growing season.
  • Low burn potential, nutrients release gradually over time.
  • In permeable biodegradable paper filter packets.
  • No measuring, no special equipment, no waste.

Benefits of Suståne 16-4-8 Root Zone Feeder Packs

  • Rich in humic acids
  • Increases the nutrient and water holding capacity of the soil
  • Strengthens plants tolerance against hot dry conditions
  • Promotes greater root development
  • Improves buffering against changes in soil pH
  • Increases the soil’s ability to suppress plant pathogens
  • Increases soil porosity and stability for greater root development and water holding capacity

Always Safe for Plants, People, and the Environment

  • Manufactured by Suståne in the USA at an EPA permitted facility.
  • Pathogen and weed-free, no blood or bone products. Allowed for export to over 60 countries worldwide.
  • Aerobic composting eliminates animal and rodent attraction to the application site.
  • Contains naturally occurring beneficial bacteria and fungi that are necessary to begin the nutrient life cycle in poor soil.
  • Suståne is fully composted eliminating the need for sterilization, permitting a healthy environment for beneficial microbial populations.

Suståne® Enhanced with Sumicoat™ Controlled Release Fertilizer

Sumicoat™ Controlled Release Fertilizers are polymer-coated controlled-release fertilizers initially tested and developed for the rice production markets in several different climates in Japan. Sumicoat products have been used for years to release precisely the right amount of fertilizer to optimize plant growth. For the past several years Suståne has been evaluating different Sumicoat release products blended with Suståne organics to create the optimal nursery and greenhouse fertilizer combinations. Suståne and Sumicoat have been proven through years of research to provide the winning combination that will not under or over release.

See how Suståne 16-4-8 Root Zone Feeder Packs worked in the field for a Christmas Tree Grower: Download or view the PDF.

Guaranteed Analysis

Total Nitrogen (N) 16%
0.2% Ammoniacal Nitrogen
1.8% Water Soluble Organic Nitrogen
2.6% Water Insoluble Organic Nitrogen*
11.0% Urea Nitrogen*
0.4% Other Water Soluble Nitrogen
Available Phosphate (P2O5) 4%
Soluble Potash (K2O) 8%
Calcium (Ca) 2.75%
Magnesium 0.75%
Sulfur 1.00%

Total Plant Nutrition

Iron 0.25%
Manganese 0.05%
Zinc 0.05%
Humic Acid 5%
Organic Matter 45%
pH 6.8
Carbon: Nitrogen (C:N) 2:1
Bulk Density lb./cu. ft 42
% of Total N as Slow Release 90%

Derived from aerobically composted turkey litter, polymer-coated urea, polymer coated potassium nitrate, polymer coated monoammonium phosphate, ureaform, feather meal, and sulfate of potash.
*12.7% controlled release nitrogen derived from polymer-coated urea, polymer coated potassium nitrate and polymer coated monoammonium phosphate.
**2.6% slow-release nitrogen derived from aerobically composted turkey litter, ureaform, and feather meal.

Directions for Use: Simply insert Feeder Pak(s) into the root zone of potted or bed grown plants at planting or re-potting time or during routine fertilization maintenance after plant establishment.

Potted Plants and Hanging Baskets: Install one Suståne Feeder Pak per 1-gallon pot inside root zone; two paks per 2-gallon pot; three per 3-gallon pot.

Flower beds and Perennials: Install one Feeder Pak 2-4 in. below soil surface within 6-inch radius of plant stem or midway between stem and drip line of plant canopy.

Shrubs and Young Trees: Install one Feeder Pak per every 12 in. height of plant (2 for 24 in. ht., etc.) 4 - 6 in. below soil surface midway between stem and drip line.

Compost Tea: Place 1 - 3 tea bags into a 1-gallon watering can, let steep for 12 to 24 hours, apply topically to leaves and soil. Use or discard within 36 hours. Reapply fresh tea weekly.

4 6 4withHumatesMED50lb copy

Suståne® 4-6-4 + Humates Natural Organic Fertilizer for Amending Container Substrates.

Label Spec Sheet MSDS


Suståne 4-6-4+Humates is made from Suståne aerobically composted turkey litter, hydrolyzed feather meal, sulfate of potash and naturally occurring humates. Designed to improve soil health and provide a full season nutrient supply. Suståne 4-6-4+Humates is all natural, slow release nitrogen plus natural phosphorous, potassium and all secondary and trace elements – high in organic content.

Recommended Use:

Available Particle Sizes:

  • Medium Grade, 200 SGN (2.8 mm - 1.4 mm)
  • Fine Grade, 100 SGN (1.4 mm - 0.6 mm)


  • 50 lb. covers 2000 f2 @ 1 lb. N per 1000 ft2 (44 lb. N per acre)
  • 22.67 kg covers 186 m2 @ 0.5 kg N per 100 m2 (50 kg N per hectare)


  • Apply 25 lb. per 1000 ft2
  • Apply 125 g per 1 m2

Land Management, Native Restoration & Erosion Control Programs:


  • For 44 lb. of N per acre apply 1100 lb.
  • For 90 lb. of N per acre apply 2200 lb.
  • For 130 lb. of N per acre apply 3400 lb.

Soil Preparation

  • Light, High Sandy Soil: 20 lb. per 100 square feet of bed
  • Medium, Clay Loam Soil: 15 lb. per 100 square feet of bed
  • Heavy, Silty, Clay Loam: 10 lb. per 100 square feet of bed

(Hydroseeding: Mix with water solution at a ratio of 4 lb. Suståne 4-6-4+Humates to 1 gallon of water or 2 tons per 1,000-gallon tank)

Incorporating into Potting Soil Mixes and other Container Substrates:

Sustane 4-6-4+Humates provides constant release of nutrients when used with container substrates with an average temperature of 70oF / 21oC. When determining application rates consider all cultural practices including irrigation, container substrate physical characteristics, and growing environment.

Container Mix Application Rates

Container Mix Rates by Volume
lb. per cubic yardkg. per cubic meter
Low Med High Low Med High
11 20 30 6.5 11.8 17.8

Low Rate: Recommended for use on salt-sensitive species; when concurrent with liquid feed with production systems utilizing low leaching fractions (less than 10%) and when applied to heavy potting substrates (total porosity less than 65%).

Medium Rate: Recommended for use on salt-sensitive species; when concurrent with liquid feed with production systems utilizing low leaching fractions (less than 10%) and when applied to heavy potting substrates (total porosity less than 65%).

High Rate: Recommended for use on heavy feeding species; with production systems utilizing high leaching fractions (greater than 20%); and when applied to light, porous substrates (total porosity greater than 80%).

Bulk Density of Suståne 4-6-4+Humates:

Rounded Measure (Volume)Grams (weight)
Teaspoon (tsp)Tablespoon (Tbs)1 oz1/4 cup1/2 cup1 cup
2.8 8.5 17 34 68 136

Container Topdressing Application Rates in Grams:

Container Size
Rate5" Std.6" Std.1 gallon2 gallon3 gallon5 gallon7 gallon10 gallon15 gallon
Low 6 12 14 130 56 90 126 154 164
Med 14 26 38 78 134 216 280 372 400
High 20 38 56 118 208 330 474 570 612
  • These rates are intended as guidelines. Suståne encourages a trial prior to changing any fertilizer program.
  • Do not steam sterilize container mix after fertilizer has been incorporated.
  • Do not store container mix more than two weeks after incorporating fertilizer. Plant material can be damaged from salt accumulation.
  • Monitor electrical conductivity (EC) of container substrate throughout the production cycle.
  • If the mix is stored longer than two weeks, leaching container mix may be required to remove accumulated salts.
  • Adjust application rate as needed.

16 0 6MED50lb 600wide

Suståne® 16-0-6 with UMAXX® Zero-Phosphorus, Premium Turf Fertilizer.

  • SustaneNaturallyColorShadowLogoEMAIL200pixels
Label Spec Sheet MSDS
Made with Suståne® Organic Compost and UMaxx® Stabilized Nitrogen



Suståne 16-0-6 combines a high quality leaf litter and food waste compost with plant nutrients to create an effective turf fertilizer without the risk of phosphorus runoff. With 60% quick release nitrogen from urea plus sulfur, 16-0-6 provides almost instant green up, even on cool soils. 30% slow release nitrogen from UMAXX®, aerobic compost and methylene urea carry the color without excessive growth for up to 10 weeks.

Recommended Use:

Suståne 16-0-6 is designed for use on premium turf grass applications where state or local laws restrict the use of phosphorus. Suståne 16-0-6 is an excellent product for home lawns, golf course fairways and tee boxes, athletic fields and all high visibility turf.

Features of Suståne 16-0-6:

  • Homogeneous granulated professional turfgrass fertilizer.
  • Developed for spring and autumn applications on long cut turfgrass, sports fields, home lawns and golf course fairways.
  • Contains UMAXX® stabilized nitrogen combined with urea and methylene urea and organic slow release nitrogen from aerobic compost.
  • Provides excellent color with reduced losses from leaching for up to 12 weeks on cool season grasses and 8 weeks on warm season grasses.
  • Phosphorus free formulation is compliant with all state fertilizer regulations.
  • Excellent coverage when organic is needed and efficiency is the name of the game.
  • 6.4% Slow Release and Stabilized Nitrogen and 9.6% Quick Release Nitrogen provide a blended release ratio – 60% quick release followed by 40% slow release.
  • 1 - 50 lb. bag covers 8,000 ft2 or 275 lb. per acre.

Benefits of Suståne 16-0-6

  • Contains all nutrients necessary for plant growth.
  • Strengthens plants tolerance against hot dry conditions
  • Promotes greater root development
  • Improves buffering against changes in soil pH
  • Increases the soil’s ability to suppress plant pathogens
  • Increases soil porosity and stability for greater root development and water holding capacity
  • All combined in each uniform homogeneous granule

Always Safe for Plants, People and the Environment

  • Manufactured by Suståne in the USA at an EPA permitted facility.
  • Pathogen and weed free, no blood or bone products. Allowed for export to over 60 countries world wide.
  • Aerobic composting eliminates animal and rodent attraction to application site.
  • Contains naturally occurring beneficial bacteria and fungi that are necessary to begin nutrient life cycle in poor soil.
  • Suståne is fully composted eliminating the need for sterilization, permitting a healthy environment for beneficial microbial populations.

Guaranteed Analysis

Total Nitrogen (N) 16%
0.1% Ammoniacal Nitrogen
12.5% Urea Nitrogen*
3.3% Water Insoluble Nitrogen**
0.1% Other Water Soluble Nitrogen
Available Phosphate (P2O5) 0%
Soluble Potash (K2O) 6%
Calcium (Ca) 1.00%
Magnesium 0.50%
Sulfur 2.00%

Total Plant Nutrition

Manganese 0.05%
Zinc 0.05%
Humic Acid 7%
Organic Matter 50%
pH 6.8
Carbon:Nitrogen (C:N) 4:1
Bulk Density lb./cu. ft 39
Salt Index (scale 1-100) 4
% of Total N as Slow Release 40%

Derived from aerobically composted turkey litter, aerobically composted green waste, stabilized urea, urea, methylene urea, ammonium sulfate and sulfate of potash.
*3.3% urea nitrogen stabilized with dicyandiamide and N-(n-butyl) thiophosphoric triamide.
**3.1% slowly available nitrogen from aerobically composted turkey litter.

Availble Particle Sizes:

  • Medium Grade, 200 SGN (2.8 mm - 1.4 mm)
  • Fine Grade, 100 SGN (1.4 mm - 0.6 mm)


  • 50 lb. covers 7,500 f2 @ 1 lb. N per 1000 ft2 (44 lb. N per acre)
  • 22.67 kg covers 697 m2 @ 0.5 kg N per 100 m2 (50 kg N per hectare)


  • Apply 7 lb. per 1000 ft2
  • Apply 33 g per 1 m2

Suståne Integrated Soil Management Program:

The following chart shows the recommended amounts of Suståne 16-0-6 for a typical integrated program.

Use & Application:Greens & TeesFairways, Athletic Fields, Parks and Lawncare
Rate (1b./1000ft2) Application Frequency Rate (lb./1000 ft2) Application Frequency
Early Feeding 3-6 1-2 3-6 1-2
Turf Establishment N/A N/A N/A N/A
Summer Stress/Disease Prevention 3-6 Monthly 3-6 Monthly
Core Aerification N/A N/A N/A N/A
Overseeding N/A N/A N/A N/A
Dormant Feeding 6.25 Prior to Dormancy 6-25 Prior to Dormancy
Snow Mold 6-9 1 Late Season
1 Early Spring
6-9 1 Late Season
1 Early Spring

Landscape Maintenance:

Professional landscapers have increasingly turned to Suståne 16-0-6 for use on high maintenance turf and landscaped environments. While synthetic fertilizers supply plant growth nutrients, they do not supply the organic matter required to maintain quality growth. Using fully composted natural fertilizers increases the levels of beneficial microbial activity, which in turn convert nutrients into plant available forms.

Warm Season Turf

  • Athletic Fields, Parks and Lawncare
  • Apply 4-7 times per season
  • Spring and Fall - 3 lb. per 1000 ft2
  • Summer - 4.7 lb. per 1000 ft2

Cool Season Turf

  • Athletic Fields, Parks and Lawncare
  • Apply 2-3 times per season
  • 6.25 lbs. per 1000 ft2

Soil Preparation For Flower & Shrub Beds

  • Light, Sandy Soil: 8 lb. per 100 ft2
  • Medium, Clay Loam Soil: 6.25 lb. per 100 ft2
  • Heavy, Silty, Clay Loam: 5 lb. per 100 ft2
  • Product Page Grid Blurb: High organic nitrogen for long lasting nutrition.
  • Product Grade:

Suståne 8-2-4 is a natural organic slow-release fertilizer that provides a high amount of organic nitrogen for lasting plant nutrition.

Sustane 8-2-4 is a nutrient dense and well-balance granular formulated for strong vegetative growth.
OMRI CDFA seal 6cm 4col WashingtonOrganic biobased
Label Spec Sheet MSDS OMRI Certificate WSDA Certificate

Suståne 8-2-4 is a natural organic slow-release fertilizer that provides a high amount of organic nitrogen for lasting plant nutrition.


Suståne 8-2-4 natural and organic fertilizer which provides a balanced feed that promotes a rapid and vigorous vegetative establishment with 6 - 12 weeks of nitrogen in the organic slow-release form. Suståne replenishes the soil with a rich supply of humus (stabilized organic matter) and all of the primary, secondary and minor nutrients essential for quality growth. Suståne 8-2-4 provides a combination of dense plant nutrients and organic substances derived from biologically stable compost plus natural sulfate of potash and feather meal.

Suståne 8-2-4 provides a safe, simple, and cost-effective feeding solution for all types of crops. 8-2-4 provides balanced nutrition from seed through harvest. Suståne 8-2-4 is the perfect fertilizer for when you need significant quantities of organic slow-release nitrogen with low burn potential. Great for specialty crop production in high-quality soils or potting mixes.

Suståne 8-2-4 is a complete package fertilizer containing Slow Release Nitrogen, chelated micronutrients, organic phosphorous, and humic substances. Suståne 8-2-4 has been demonstrated time and again to surpass synthetic turf starter fertilizers and other sources of humates and plant biostimulants.

Recommended Use:

For use in the production of certified organic gardens, turfgrass and landscape maintenance, greenhouse bedding plants and annual establishment, erosion control, native reestablishment, and soil reclamation and remediation.

Benefits of Suståne 8-2-4

  • Rich in humic acids
  • Increases the nutrient and water holding capacity of the soil
  • Strengthens plants tolerance against hot dry conditions
  • Promotes greater root development
  • Improves buffering against changes in soil pH
  • Increases the soil’s ability to suppress plant pathogens
  • Increases soil porosity and stability for greater root development and water holding capacity

Always Safe for Plants, People, Pollinators, and the Environment

  • Manufactured by Suståne in the USA at an EPA permitted facility.
  • Pathogen and weed-free, no blood or bone products. Allowed for export to over 60 countries worldwide.
  • Aerobic composting eliminates animal and rodent attraction to the application site.
  • Contains naturally occurring beneficial bacteria and fungi that are necessary to begin the nutrient life cycle in poor soil.
  • Suståne is fully composted eliminating the need for sterilization, permitting a healthy environment for beneficial microbial populations.

Suståne Integrated Soil Management Program:

Turf Establishment, Seeding, New Lawn Construction, Laying Sod and Sprigging:

Suståne 8-2-4 is a complete package fertilizer containing Slow Release Nitrogen, chelated micronutrients, organic phosphorous and humic substances. Suståne 8-2-4 has been demonstrated time and again to surpass synthetic turf starter fertilizers and other sources of humates and plant biostimulants.

Preplant - Broadcast and Incorporate into the top 4 in. (10 cm) of soil

  • 25 lb. per 1,000 ft2 or 2,200 lb. per acre
  • 12.5 kg per 100 m2 or 1,250 kg per hectare

Postplant (45-60 days) - Broadcast and water in

  • 12.5 lb. per 1,000 ft2 or 1,100 lb. per acre
  • 6.25 kg per 100 m2 or 1,250 kg per hectare

Turfgrass & Landscape Maintenance:

Professional landscapers have increasingly turned to Suståne 8-2-4 for use on high maintenance turf and landscaped environments. While synthetic fertilizers supply plant growth nutrients, they do not supply the organic matter required to maintain quality growth. Using fully composted natural fertilizers increases the levels of beneficial microbial activity, which in turn converts nutrients into plant-available forms.

Warm Season Turf

  • Athletic Fields, Parks and Lawncare
  • Apply 4-7 times per season
  • Spring and Fall - 12.5 lb. per 1,000 ft2
  • Summer - 10 lb. per 1,000 ft2

Cool Season Turf

  • Athletic Fields, Parks and Lawncare
  • Apply 2-3 times per season
  • 12.5 lbs. per 1,000 ft2

Soil Preparation For Flower & Shrub Beds

  • Light, Sandy Soil: 10 lb. per 100 ft2
  • Medium, Clay Loam Soil: 7.5 lb. ft2
  • Heavy, Silty, Clay Loam: 5 lb. per 100 ft2

Land Management, Native Restoration & Erosion Control Programs:


  • For 44 lb. of N per acre apply 550 lb.
  • For 90 lb. of N per acre apply 1100 lb.
  • For 130 lb. of N per acre apply 1700 lb.

Soil Preparation

  • Light, High Sandy Soil: 10 lb. per 100 square feet of bed
  • Medium, Clay Loam Soil: 7.5 lb. per 100 square feet of bed
  • Heavy, Silty, Clay Loam: 5 lb. per 100 square feet of bed

(Hydroseeding: Mix with water solution at a ratio of 4 lb. Suståne 8-2-4 to 1 gallon of water or 2 tons per 1,000-gallon tank)

Incorporating into Potting Soil Mixes and other Container Substrates:

Sustane 8-2-4 provides a constant release of nutrients when used with container substrates with an average temperature of 70oF / 21oC. When determining application rates consider all cultural practices including irrigation, container substrate physical characteristics, and growing environment.

Container Mix Application Rates:

Container Mix Rates by Volume
lb. per cubic yardkg per cubic meter
Low Med High Low Med High
5.5 10 15 3.3 5.9 8.9

Low Rate: Recommended for use on salt-sensitive species; when concurrent with liquid feed; with production systems utilizing low leaching fractions (less than 10%); and when applied to heavy potting substrates (total porosity less than 65%).

Medium Rate: Recommended for use on medium feeding species; on most nursery stock and foliage plants; and when liquid feed is not performed concurrently.

High Rate: Recommended for use on heavy feeding species; with production systems utilizing high leaching fractions (greater than 20%); and when applied to light, porous substrates (total porosity greater than 80%).

Bulk Density of Suståne 8-2-4:

Rounded Measure (Volume)Grams (weight)
Teaspoon (tsp) Tablespoon (Tbsp.) 1 oz. 1/4 cup 1/2 cup 1 cup
2.8 8.5 17 34 68 136

Container Topdressing Application Rates in Grams:

Container Size
Rate5" Std.6" Std.1 gallon2 gallon3 gallon5 gallon7 gallon10 gallon15 gallon
Low 3 6 7 15 28 45 63 77 82
Med 7 13 19 39 67 108 140 186 200
High 10 18 28 59 104 165 237 285 306
  • These rates are intended as guidelines. Suståne encourages a trial prior to changing any fertilizer program.
  • Do not steam sterilize container mix after fertilizer has been incorporated.
  • Do not store container mix more than two weeks after incorporating fertilizer. Plant material can be damaged by salt accumulation.
  • Monitor electrical conductivity (EC) of container substrate throughout the production cycle.
  • If the mix is stored longer than two weeks, leaching container mix may be required to remove accumulated salts.
  • Adjust application rate as needed.

Guaranteed Analysis

Total Nitrogen (N) 8%
0.4% Ammoniacal Nitrogen
0.4% Water Soluble Organic Nitrogen
7.2% Water Insoluble Organic Nitrogen*
Available Phosphate (P2O5) 2%
Soluble Potash (K2O) 4%
Calcium (Ca) 2.00%

Total Plant Nutrition

Iron 0.50%
Manganese 0.05%
Zinc 0.05%
Humic Acid 6%
Organic Matter 65%
pH 6.8
Carbon:Nitrogen (C:N) 4:1
Bulk Density lb./cu. ft 38
% of Total N as Slow Release 90%

Derived from aerobically composted turkey litter, feather meal, and sulfate of potash.
*7.2% slowly available nitrogen from aerobically composted turkey litter and feather meal

medfinegradeslockupAvailable Particle Sizes:

  • Medium Grade, 200 SGN (2.8 mm - 1.4 mm)
  • Fine Grade, 100 SGN (1.4 mm - 0.6 mm)


  • 50 lb. covers 4000 ft2 @ 1 lb. N per 1000 ft2 (44 lb. N per acre)
  • 22.67 kg covers 372 m2 @ 0.5 kg N per 100 m2 (50 kg N per hectare)


  • Apply 12.5 lb. per 1000 ft2
  • Apply 63 g per 1 m2

4-6-4 Organic plant establishment and soil building fertilizer for lawn and landscape applications

4 6 4 5 20lbpair 500pxl

5 lb Label

20 lb Label

Spec Sheet MSDS OMRI Certificate WSDA Certificate
OMRI CDFA seal 6cm 4col WashingtonOrganic biobased

Suståne® 4-6-4 Organic Flower & Vegetable Fertilizer

For Abundant Roots, Fruits and Blooms

Suståne 4-6-4 fertilizer is an organic slow-release fertilizer and soil builder ideally suited for plant establishment as vegetation starter for low P soils. Suståne 4-6-4 is specifically formulated to be gentle on plants, making it a go-to fertilizer for spreading with seed and applying to seedlings.

Suståne 4-6-4 works by replenishing the soil with a rich supply of humus (stabilized organic matter) and the essential nutrients required for sound and long term fertility programs. Suståne 4-6-4 provides a combination of slow-release nutrients and organic substances that improve soil health. Derived from biologically stable compost plus natural potash and feather meal.

Landscapers’ Choice
Professional landscapers, groundskeepers, and turfgrass managers have turned to Suståne 4-6-4 for use on high maintenance turf and landscaped environments. While synthetic fertilizers supply plant growth nutrients, they do not supply the organic matter required to maintain quality growth. Using fully composted natural fertilizers increases the levels of beneficial microbial activity, which in turn converts nutrients into plant-available forms.

Benefits of Suståne 4-6-4

  • Increases the nutrient and water holding capacity of the soil, strengthening plant tolerance to hot dry conditions
  • Promotes healthy root development
  • Improves buffering against changes in soil pH
  • Increases the soil’s ability to suppress plant pathogens
  • Increases soil aggregate stability, porosity, and quality for greater root development and water holding capacity
  • Provides primary and secondary (macro and micro) nutrients necessary for plant growth

Soil Preparation For Flower & Shrub Beds:

  • Light, Sandy Soil: 20 lb. per 100 ft2 (30 kg per 100m2)
  • Medium, Clay Loam Soil: 15 lb. ft(20 kg per 100m2)
  • Heavy, Silty, Clay Loam: 10 lb. per 100 ft(10 kg per 100m2)


  • 20 lb. covers 1000 ft2 @ 0.8 lb. N per 1000 ft2
  • 22.67 kg covers 186 m2 @ 0.5 kg N per 100 m2 (50 kg N per hectare)

For Turf Establishment, Seeding, New Lawn Construction, Laying Sod and Sprigging

Preplant - Broadcast and incorporate into the top 4 in. (10 cm) of soil

  • 50 lb. per 1,000 ft2 or 2,200 lb. per acre
  • 25 kg per 100 m2 or 1,250 kg per hectare

Post plant (45-60 days) - Broadcast and water in

  • 25 lb. per 1,000 ft2 or 1,100 lb. per acre
  • 12.5 kg per 100 m2 or 1,250 kg per hectare

Fertilizer Maintenance for Large Trees:

Once trees have become well established, apply Suståne into holes punched into the ground within tree crown drip line. Once the tree has developed a 4-6 inch diameter, increase the application rate to 1 lb. of Suståne per inch of tree trunk diameter.

Guaranteed Analysis

Total Nitrogen (N)

  0.4% Ammoniacal Nitrogen
  0.4% Other Water Soluble Nitrogen
  3.2% Water Insoluble Nitrogen*
Available Phosphate (P(2O5) 6%
Soluble Potash (K2O) 4%
Calcium (Ca) 4%
Magnesium (Mg) 0.75%
Sulfur (S) 1%
Iron (Fe) 0.25%

Total Plant Nutrition

Iron 0.5%
Manganese 0.05%
Zinc 0.05%
Humic Acid %
Organic Matter 50%
pH 6.8
Carbon: Nitrogen (C:N) 4:1
Bulk Density lb./cu. ft 36
% of Total N as Slow Release 80%

Derived from aerobically composted turkey litter, feather meal, bone meal, and sulfate of potash.
*3.2% slowly available nitrogen from aerobically composted turkey litter and feather meal

Available Particle Sizes:

  • Medium Grade, 200 SGN (2.8 mm - 1.4 mm)
  • Product Page Grid Blurb: Combination time released nutrient package blended with a 50% Suståne premium organic base for production of perennials and woody ornamentals.

Sustane 16•4•8 180 Day Controlled Release + Organic

16 4 8MED50lb 600wide
Label Spec Sheet MSDS

Natural Base + Coated Controlled Release Fertilizer

Designed for Professional Nursery, Greenhouse and Landscape Applications
180 - 210 Day Nutrient Release at 70º F (21º C)


Suståne 16-4-8 was developed as a combination fertilizer to provide nursery stock with a time-released 4-1-2 nutrient package blended with a 50% Suståne humus-rich, premium natural base. Suståne 16-4-8 Nursery Fertilizer is available in both 180-day and 120-day release profiles to meet the needs of your production cycle. Suståne 16-4-8 Nursery Fertilizer is derived from aerobically composted turkey litter, polymer-coated urea, polymer-coated MAP, and polymer-coated potassium nitrate.

Recommended Use:

Suståne 16-4-8 is perfect for the production of perennials and woody ornamentals. Nursery producers can use Suståne 16-4-8 to grow beautiful Azalea, Holly, Weigelia, Crape Myrtle, Cotoneaster, Boxwood, Spiraea, Salvia, Hibiscus, and Daylily.

Features of Suståne 16-4-8:

  • Suståne 16-4-8 provides a 6-7 month nutrient release in containers.
  • Suståne Natural Base + CRF produces predictable results, dependable performance, and high-quality plants.
  • Designed, tested, and proven to provide equal or superior growth results compared to similar formulations (4-1-2 ratio) of nursery industry standards.
  • Suståne Natural Base + Controlled Release Fertilizers (CRF) is the new generation in environmentally friendly plant nutrition with minimal impact on the non-target environment.
  • Enhances soil-plant nutrient exchange increasing uptake efficiency.
  • Low burn potential, nutrients release gradually over time.
  • Suståne® 16-4-8 supplies all primary, secondary, and micronutrients required for complete plant photosynthesis.

Benefits of Suståne 16-4-8

  • Rich in humic acids
  • Increases the nutrient and water holding capacity of the soil
  • Strengthens plants tolerance against hot dry conditions
  • Promotes greater root development
  • Improves buffering against changes in soil pH
  • Increases the soil’s ability to suppress plant pathogens
  • Increases soil porosity and stability for greater root development and water holding capacity

Always Safe for Plants, People, and the Environment

  • Manufactured by Suståne in the USA at an EPA permitted facility.
  • Pathogen and weed-free, no blood or bone products. Allowed for export to over 60 countries worldwide..
  • Aerobic composting eliminates animal and rodent attraction to the application site.
  • Contains naturally occurring beneficial bacteria and fungi that are necessary to begin the nutrient life cycle in poor soil.
  • Suståne is fully composted eliminating the need for sterilization, permitting a healthy environment for beneficial microbial populations.

Guaranteed Analysis

Total Nitrogen (N) 16%
0.2% Ammoniacal Nitrogen*
1.8% Nitrate Nitrogen*
2.6% Water Insoluble Nitrogen**
11.0% Urea Nitrogen*
0.4% Other Water Soluble Nitrogen
Available Phosphate (P2O5) 4%
Soluble Potash (K2O) 8%
Calcium (Ca) 2.75%
Magnesium (Mg) 0.75%
Sulfur (S) 1.00%
Iron (Fe) 0.25%
Manganese (Mn) 0.05%

Total Plant Nutrition

Organic Matter 45%
pH 6.8
Carbon: Nitrogen (C:N) 2:1
Bulk Density lb./cu. ft 42
% of Total N as Slow Release 90%

Derived from aerobically composted turkey litter, polymer coated urea, polymer coated potassium nitrate, polymer coated mono-ammonium phosphate, ureaform, hydrolyzed feather meal, and sulfate of potash.

 *12.7% controlled release nitrogen derived from polymer coated urea, polymer coated potassium nitrate and polymer coated mono-ammonium phosphate.

 **2.6% slow release nitrogen derived from aerobically composted turkey litter, ureaform and hydrolyzed feather meal.

Available Particle Sizes:

  • Medium Grade, 200 SGN (2.8 mm - 1.4 mm)


  • 50 lb. covers 8,000 ft2 @ 1 lb. N per 1,000 ft2 (44 lb. N per acre)
  • 22.67 kg covers 744 m2 @ 0.5 kg N per 100 m2 (50 kg N per hectare)


  • Apply 6.25 lb. per 1,000 ft2
  • Apply 32 g per 1 m2

Incorporating into Potting Soil Mixes and other Container Substrates:

Suståne 16-4-8 180-day provides a constant release of nutrients for approximately 180-days when used with container substrates with an average temperature of 70oF / 21oC. When determining application rates consider all cultural practices including irrigation, container substrate physical characteristics, and growing environment.

Container Mix Application Rates:

Container Mix Rates by Volume
lb. per cubic yardkg per cubic meter
5 9 12.5 3.0 5.3 7.4

Landscape Application Rates by Area
lb. per 1,000 square feetkg per 100 square meter
10 18 24 4.9 8.7 11.7

Bulk Density of Suståne 4-2-2:

Container Mix Rates by Volume
Rounded Measure (Volume)Grams (weight)
Teaspoon (tsp)Tablespoon (Tbs)1 oz1/4 cup1/2 cup1 cup
3.1 9.3 18.6 7.2 74.4 148.8

Container Topdressing Application Rates in Grams:

Rate5” Std.
(12 cm)
6" Std.
(15 cm)
1 gallon
(3.5 L)
2 gallon
(7.6 L)
3 gallon
(11.3 L)
5 gallon
(19 L)
7 gallon
(26.5 L)
10 gallon
(37.8 L)
15 gallon
(56.8 L)
Low 5 8 12 26 46 74 105 128 137
Med 7 12 19 40 69 111 158 191 205
High 10 17 26 55 57 155 221 268 287

Low Rate: Recommended for use on salt-sensitive species; when concurrent with liquid feed with production systems utilizing low leaching fractions (less than 10%) and when applied to heavy potting substrates (total porosity less than 65%).

Medium Rate: Recommended for use on salt-sensitive species; when concurrent with liquid feed with production systems utilizing low leaching fractions (less than 10%) and when applied to heavy potting substrates (total porosity less than 65%).

High Rate: Recommended for use on heavy feeding species; with production systems utilizing high leaching fractions (greater than 20%); and when applied to light, porous substrates (total porosity greater than 80%).

  • These rates are intended as guidelines. Suståne encourages a trial prior to changing any fertilizer program.
  • Do not steam sterilize container mix after fertilizer has been incorporated.
  • Do not store container mix more than two weeks after incorporating fertilizer. Plant material can be damaged from salt accumulation.
  • Monitor electrical conductivity (EC) of container substrate throughout the production cycle.
  • If the mix is stored longer than two weeks, leaching container mix may be required to remove accumulated salts.
  • Adjust application rate as needed.