Made in Minnesota from Aerobically Composted Turkey Litter

Suståne is located in the agriculturally rich Midwestern region of the United States and is central to some of the highest number of turkey farms in the world. Turkey litter provides the base for most of Suståne’s Natural Fertilizers. Turkey litter consists of manure and the softwood shavings that is used as bedding. When the barns are cleaned the turkey litter collected is transported to The Suståne Compost Facility.
Composting Since 1980

Suståne began composting in 1980 in order to protect the environment from nutrient runoff. This process now provides an award winning stabilization method that produces a premium organic fertilizer utilized by many growers in varied and multiple markets worldwide.
Composting Converts Turkey Litter in Nutrient Dense Humus
The turkey litter is converted to humus over a twenty-six week aerobic, thermophilic composting process. The litter is aerated twice each week so the rows have access to oxygen. Water is added to the rows to maintain the moisture content necessary for composting. The row temperatures are monitored weekly to ensure proper microbial activity to provide adequate decomposition, pathogen destruction and stabilization.
Organic Nutrients Encapsulated in Humic Acid and Beneficial Microbiology
Once the composting cycle is complete the material is then concentrated through dehydration at the Suståne production facility. The concentrated compost is blended with various nutrient sources and other beneficial ingredients before being granulated and encapsulating a complex blend of nutrients, beneficial microorganisms and humic acids in a concentrated compost granule.