29 October 2015

Reduction of Crop Injury from Herbicide Carryover with Suståne Natural Organic Fertilizer as Compared to Activated Charcoal

TurfEnv1Dr. Brent Philbrook, Agri-Growth Research , 1989

Report Summary of Nursery Field Study and Greenhouse Study

Pesticide residues can wreak havoc on newly established crops for both conventional growers as well as farmers who are making the transition to organic production. The only current alternative to reducing plant injury from persistent herbicides is activated charcoal – applied to absorb various chemicals compounds in the soil.



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29 October 2015

Late-Season Fertilization Effects on Nitrate Leaching

Karl Guillard and Kelly L. Kopp, Department of Plant Science, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 1996-1999 

Late-season fertilization of lawns with N is a common practice in southern New England during late fall (October through November). Turf quality and rooting characteristics may benefit from this practice, but the potential for nitrate (NO3) leaching at this time may be higher than if N-based fertilizers are applied before October.



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29 October 2015

Nitrogen Release Rates from Soil Amendment Materials

Davis V.P. Claassen and M.P. Hogan, Soils and Biogeochemistry Section, University of California, Davis, 1998

Caltrans – California Department of Transportation, Sacramento, California, U.S.D.O.T. Federal Highway Administration

The objective of this study is to compare the N release rates from a wide variety of potential amendment sources, to check the incubation and leaching procedure for precision between duplicate experiments, and to compare release rates to those measured in a field situation.



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