Experiment 1 (Suståne 12-0-1 Hi-N Water Dispersible Fertilizer)
The objective is to compare performance of tomato transplants fertilized with a once weekly drench in response to Sustane WDF 12-0-1 as compared to another organic alternative nitrogen source, 14-0-0 soluble protein hydrolysate (Ferti Nitro Plus), and a conventional alternative nitrogen source (calcium nitrate, 15.5-0-0). In addition, we wish to determine if 12-0-1 application leads to greater nitrogen use efficiency, i.e. if a lower application rate can be used (150 ppm N vs. 200 ppm N).
Experiment 2 (Suståne 8-2-4 Flourish Water Dispersible Fertilizer))
The objective is to compare the performance of Sustane 8-2-4 WDF to other complete liquid organic fertilizers (Nature’s Source 3-1-1, Drammatic ONE 4-4-1) and a conventional fertilizer (Jack’s 21-5-20).
Find out how they differed in the research paper linked below.
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Aronia Rate Optimization, Dr. Brian B McSpadden Gardener, Ph. D, Duane Baumler, Randy Petersburg, Earl Goodman, Joel Goodman - 2017
"Suståne Natural Fertilizers significantly improved aronia berry production (Table 3). Overall berry yields increased by 0.36 to 1.67 lbs. per bush depending on the type and amount of fertilizer applied."
"Just one or two annual applications of Suståne 8-2-4 increased berry yields by 11% or 21%, respectively (P<0.10)."
Suståne Compost Tea Use in Irrigated Vegetables, Dr. Brian B McSpadden Gardener, Ph. D - 2018
"Yield assessments revealed significant yield and profitability increases were provided by Suståne compost teas. Both fertigation materials increased the number and weight of harvested fruit, and this led to greater net returns for both treatments than seen for irrigation alone (UTC). The standard compost tea (CT) provided 4.7% more, and the HiN-enriched compost tea (ECT) provided a 13.4% more marketable yield than irrigation alone. This led to a significant increase in net returns per A for the grower. "