Suståne is a line of fertilizers and soil builders that combines the many benefits of high quality compost with the performance and precision of a slow release fertilizer. Suståne is the world’s leading manufacturer-exporter of organic and natural base slow release nitrogen fertilizers for all green industries. Suståne’s products are designed for  organic farms and gardens, turf and ornamental plants and native vegetative establishment. There are Suståne products available for all crop fertility, establishment, maintenance, reclamation and soil building programs. Suståne fertilizers are derived from aerobic, concentrated compost – rich in humus, dense in nutrients and biologically active.


Label Spec Sheet MSDS

12 12 12MED50lb 600wide

Natural Organic + Coated Controlled Release Fertilizer

Designed for Professional Greenhouse and Landscape Applications
90 - 120 Day Nutrient Release at 70º F


Suståne 12-12-12 was developed as a combination fertilizer to provide all floral and nursery stock with a complete, balanced, and controlled release nutrient package. Suståne 12-12-12 provides plant essential nutrients in both controlled release and slow-release organic form by combining coated CRF with nutrient-rich aerobically composted turkey litter. The Suståne organic component undergoes a 26-week aerobic composting process ensuring that the finished product is stabilized yet biologically active.

The controlled release portion of the material is made from industry-leading polymer-coated urea, polymer-coated mono-ammonium phosphate, and polymer-coated potassium nitrate. Nutrient release rates from Suståne 12-12-12 are based on soil or substrate temperature and microbial activity. The sophisticated two mechanism release matches plant nutrient requirements over the production cycle and prevents the dumping of nutrients.

Recommended Use:

Suståne 12-12-12 is perfect for production of bedding plants other short term annuals. Greenhouse growers can use Suståne 12-12-12 to grow beautiful Begonias, Petunias, Impatiens, Geraniums, Caladiums, Chrysanthemums, herbs and vegetable crops.

Features of Suståne 12-12-12:

  • Suståne® 12-12-12 provides 12 - 16-week nutrient release in containers.
  • Suståne® Organic+CRF produces predictable results, dependable performance, and high-quality plants.
  • Designed, tested, and proven to provide equal or superior growth results compared to similar formulations (1-1-1 ratio) of nursery industry standards.
  • Suståne® Organic + SumicoatTM Controlled Release Fertilizers (CRF) are the new generation in environmentally friendly plant nutrition with minimal impact on the non-target environment.
  • Enhances soil-plant nutrient exchange increasing uptake efficiency.
  • Low burn potential, nutrients release gradually over time.
  • Suståne® 12-12-12 supplies all primary, secondary, and micronutrients required for complete plant photosynthesis.

Benefits of Suståne 12-12-12

  • Rich in humic acids
  • Increases the nutrient and water holding capacity of the soil
  • Strengthens plants tolerance against hot dry conditions
  • Promotes greater root development
  • Improves buffering against changes in soil pH
  • Increases the soil’s ability to suppress plant pathogens
  • Increases soil porosity and stability for greater root development and water holding capacity

Always Safe for Plants, People, and the Environment

  • Manufactured by Suståne in the USA at an EPA permitted facility.
  • Pathogen and weed-free, no blood or bone products. Allowed for export to over 60 countries worldwide..
  • Aerobic composting eliminates animal and rodent attraction to the application site.
  • Contains naturally occurring beneficial bacteria and fungi that are necessary to begin the nutrient life cycle in poor soil.
  • Suståne is fully composted eliminating the need for sterilization, permitting a healthy environment for beneficial microbial populations.

Suståne® Enhanced with SumicoatTM Controlled Release Fertilizer

SumicoatTM Controlled Release Fertilizers are polymer-coated controlled-release fertilizers initially tested and developed for the rice production markets in several different climates in Japan. Sumicoat products have been used for years to release precisely the right amount of fertilizer to optimize plant growth. For the past several years Suståne has been evaluating different Sumicoat release products blended with Suståne organics to create the optimal nursery and greenhouse fertilizer combinations. Suståne and Sumicoat have been proven through years of research to provide the winning combination that will not under or over-release.

Guaranteed Analysis

Total Nitrogen (N) 12%
2.3% Ammoniacal Nitrogen*
2.9% Nitrate Nitrogen*
1.3% Water Insoluble Nitrogen**
5.3% Urea Nitrogen*
0.2% Other Water Soluble Nitrogen
Available Phosphate (P2O5) 12%
Soluble Potash (K2O) 12%
Calcium (Ca) 2.00%
Magnesium (Mg) 0.5%
Sulfur (S) 1.5%
Iron (Fe) 0.2%
Manganese (Mn) 0.05%

Total Plant Nutrition

Humic Acid  
Organic Matter 45%
pH 6.8
Carbon: Nitrogen (C:N) 2:1
Bulk Density lb./cu. ft 42
% of Total N as Slow Release 90%

Derived from aerobically composted turkey litter, polymer-coated urea, polymer coated potassium nitrate, polymer-coated mono ammonium phosphate, ureaform, feather meal, and sulfate of potash
*10.3% controlled-release nitrogen derived from polymer-coated urea, polymer-coated potassium nitrate, and polymer-coated monoammonium phosphate.
**1.3% slow-release nitrogen derived from aerobically composted turkey litter, ureaform, and feather meal.

Available Particle Sizes:

  • Medium Grade, 200 SGN (2.8 mm - 1.4 mm)


  • 50 lb. covers 6,000 ft2 @ 1 lb. N per 1,000 ft2 (44 lb. N per acre)
  • 22.67 kg covers 544 m2 @ 0.5 kg N per 100 m2 (50 kg N per hectare)


  • Apply 6.25 lb. per 1,000 ft2
  • Apply 32 g per 1 m2

Incorporating into Potting Soil Mixes and other Container Substrates:

Suståne 12-12-12 90-day provides constant release of nutrients for approximately 90-days when used with container substrates with an average temperature of 70oF / 21oC. When determining application rates consider all cultural practices including irrigation, container substrate physical characteristics, and growing environment.

Container Mix Application Rates:

Container Mix Rates by Volume
lb. per cubic yardkg per cubic meter
4.5 8.5 14 2.6 5 8.3

Landscape Application Rates by Area
lb. per 1,000 square feetkg per 100 square meter
8 16 25 3.9 7.8 12.2

Bulk Density of Suståne 4-2-2:

Container Mix Rates by Volume
Rounded Measure (Volume)Grams (weight)
Teaspoon (tsp)Tablespoon (Tbs)1 oz1/4 cup1/2 cup1 cup
3.5 10.5 21 42 84 168

Container Topdressing Application Rates in Grams:

Rate5” Std.
(12 cm)
6" Std.
(15 cm)
1 gallon
(3.5 L)
2 gallon
(7.6 L)
3 gallon
(11.3 L)
5 gallon
(19 L)
7 gallon
(26.5 L)
10 gallon
(37.8 L)
15 gallon
(56.8 L)
Low 3 4 6 13 23 37 53 64 69
Med 6 10 15 33 56 90 117 155 167
High 8 15 23 49 86 138 200 238 255

Low Rate: Recommended for use on salt sensitive species; when concurrent with liquid feed with production systems utilizing low leaching fractions (less than 10%) and when applied to heavy potting substrates (total porosity less than 65%).

Medium Rate: Recommended for use on salt sensitive species; when concurrent with liquid feed with production systems utilizing low leaching fractions (less than 10%) and when applied to heavy potting substrates (total porosity less than 65%).

High Rate: Recommended for use on heavy feeding species; with production systems utilizing high leaching fractions (greater than 20%); and when applied to light, porous substrates (total porosity greater than 80%).

  • These rates are intended as guidelines. Suståne encourages a trial prior to changing any fertilizer program.
  • Do not steam sterilize container mix after fertilizer has been incorporated.
  • Do not store container mix more than two weeks after incorporating fertilizer. Plant material can be damaged from salt accumulation.
  • Monitor electrical conductivity (EC) of container substrate throughout production cycle.
  • If mix is stored longer than two weeks, leaching container mix may be required to remove accumulated salts.
  • Adjust application rate as needed.

4 2 2MED50lb 600wide

Suståne® 4-2-2 is a granulated organic fertilizer that is rich in organic nitrogen and provides all of the soil building qualities of a concentrated compost.

Suståne 4-2-2 is one of the most economical sources of slow release nitrogen available to the organic grower.

Label Spec Sheet MSDS WSDA Certificate





Suståne 4-2-2 Natural Organic is a granulated slow release nitrogen fertilizer made from nutrient rich, concentrated compost. Suståne replenishes the soil with a rich supply of humus (stabilized organic matter) and all of the essential nutrients required for quality growth. Suståne 4-2-2 provides a concentrated package of economic, organic nitrogen with other plant macro and micro nutrients, organic substances and beneficial microbiology derived from biologically stable compost.


Recommended Use:

For use in the production of certified organic crops, as a general soil builder, greenhouse bedding plants and annual establishment and as a nutrient charge for container substrates.

Benefits of Suståne 4-2-2

  • An excellent source of organic nitrogen.
  • Can be applied in row, direct with seed.
  • Adds approximately 10% humates by weight.
  • Contains all primary, secondary and tertiary nutrients for plant growth.
  • Low Salt Index (4) requires no delay in planting following application.
  • Supplies soil with 60% Organic Matter in the form of stabilized humus.
  • Carbon:Nitrogen Ratio (6:1) ensures no N immobilization in soil.
  • Increases the nutrient and water holding capacity of the soil.
  • Enhances the soil’s ability to suppress plant pathogens.
  • Improves soil structure, porosity and stability leading to greater root development, infiltration and soil micro pores.

Always Safe for Plants, People and the Environment

  • Manufactured by Suståne in the USA at an EPA permitted facility.
  • Pathogen and weed/seed free, no blood, bone or meat products.
  • The only organic allowed for export to over 50 countries worldwide.
  • USDA NOP, COR, EU and JAS organic compliant.
  • Aerobic composting eliminates animal and rodent attraction to application site.
  • Suståne will not attract flies or other insects.
  • Suståne is fully composted - not sterilized; enhancing the soil environment for beneficial microbial populations.
  • Improves and sustains soil health.

Guaranteed Analysis

Total Nitrogen (N) 4%
0.4% Ammoniacal Nitrogen
0.4% Water Soluble Organic Nitrogen
3.2% Water Insoluble Organic Nitrogen*
Available Phosphate (P2O5) 2%
Soluble Potash (K2O) 2%
Calcium (Ca) 5.00%
Magnesium 1.00%
Sulfur 1.00%

Total Plant Nutrition

Iron 0.50%
Manganese 0.05%
Zinc 0.05%
Humic Acid 10%
Organic Matter 60%
pH 7.0
Carbon:Nitrogen (C:N) 6:1
Bulk Density lb./cu. ft 38
Salt Index (scale 1-100) 4
% of Total N as Slow Release 80%

Derived from aerobically composted turkey litter, feather meal, and sulfate of potash.
*2.4% slowly available nitrogen from aerobically composted turkey litter and feather meal.

Available particle sizes:

  • Medium Grade, 200 SGN (2.8 mm - 1.4 mm)
  • Fine Grade, 100 SGN (1.4 mm - 0.6 mm)


  • 50 lb. covers 2,000 ft2 @ 1 lb. N per 1,000 ft2 (44 lb. N per acre)
  • 22.67 kg covers 100 m2 @ 0.5 kg N per 100 m2 (50 kg N per hectare)


  • Apply 25 lb. per 1000 ft2
  • Apply 125 g per 1 m2

Sustane Integrated Soil Management Program:

Crop Establishment Apply direct in-row with seed at rates of 100 lb. up to 250 lb. per acre.

Broadcast Application Rates:

  • For 30 lb. of N per acre apply 750 lb.
  • For 50 lb. of N per acre apply 1,250 lb.
  • For 70 lb. of N per acre apply 1,750 lb.

For 70 lb. of N per acre apply 2,333 lb.

  • Fall application, post harvest. Broadcast apply followed by light incorporation.
  • Spring application, pre-plant. Broadcast apply followed by light incorporation.
  • During planting, can be applied by grain drills, banded or air seeders, direct with seed.
  • During cultivation, apply next to row.

Crop Application Rates for Suståne 4-2-2:

Incorporating Into Potting Soil Mixes and Other Container Substrates:

Sustane 4-2-2 provides constant release of nutrients when used with container substrates with average temperature of 70oF / 21oC. When determining application rates consider all cultural practices including irrigation, container substrate physical characteristics and growing environment.

Container Mix Application Rates

Container Mix Rates by Volume
lb. per cubic yardkg per cubic meter
Low Med High Low Med High
11 20 30 6.5 11.5 17.8

Low Rate: Recommended for use on salt sensitive species; when concurrent with liquid feed with production systems utilizing low leaching fractions (less than 10%) and when applied to heavy potting substrates (total porosity less than 65%).

Medium Rate: Recommended for use on salt sensitive species; when concurrent with liquid feed with production systems utilizing low leaching fractions (less than 10%) and when applied to heavy potting substrates (total porosity less than 65%).

High Rate: Recommended for use on heavy feeding species; with production systems utilizing high leaching fractions (greater than 20%); and when applied to light, porous substrates (total porosity greater than 80%).

Bulk Density of Sustane 4-2-2

Container Mix Rates by Volume
Rounded Measure (Volume)Grams (Weight)
Teaspoon (tsp) Tablespoon (Tbs) 1 oz 1/4 cup 1/2 cup 1 cup
2.8 8.5 17 34 68 136

Container Topdressing Application Rates in Grams:

Container Size
Rate5" Std.6" Std.1 gallon2 gallon3 gallon5 gallon7 gallon10 gallon15 gallon
Low 6 12 14 30 56 90 126 154 164
Med 14 26 38 78 134 216 280 372 400
High 20 38 56 118 208 330 474 570 612

  • These rates are intended as guidelines. Suståne encourages a trial prior to changing any fertilizer program.
  • Do not steam sterilize container mix after fertilizer has been incorporated.
  • Do not store container mix more than two weeks after incorporating fertilizer. Plant material can be damaged from salt accumulation.
  • Monitor electrical conductivity (EC) of container substrate throughout production cycle.
  • If mix is stored longer than two weeks, leaching container mix may be required to remove accumulated salts.
  • Adjust application rate as needed.
Sustane Bolster Liquid Biostimulant
  • Product Page Grid Blurb: Biostimulant and Plant Growth Supplement. Includes seaweed extract and humic acid.

Sustane Bolster Liquid BiostimulantBolster® Biostimulant - Liquid Plant Growth Supplement


BOLSTER Plant Biostimulant - Ascophyllum nodosum seaweed, humic acid, and soluble carbohydrates. BOLSTER from Suståne prepares plants for stress conditions, increasing root mass and depth without a flush of top growth. BOLSTER has demonstrated improved drought resistance, increased chlorophyll production, and delayed senescence. It also increases plant salt tolerance in saline soils and irrigation water high in salts; increases plant health and vigor to offset infection of certain diseases and to guard against the effects of plant-parasitic nematodes. Chelated iron and plant hormones in BOLSTER enhance seedling establishment and improve color.

MSDS Download the 
BOLSTER Plant Biostimulant
Specification Sheet:
Bolster Liquid Biostimulant US Version
Bolster Liquid Biostimulant EU Version

Label (55 gal)

Label (2.5 gal)

Label (1 liter)


Benefits of BOLSTER Biostimulant

  • Strengthens plants tolerance against hot dry conditions.
  • Improves cold and frost tolerance.
  • Minimizes stress pressure from parasitic nematodes.
  • Increases root mass and depth.
  • accelerates chlorophyll production.

Always Safe for Plants, People, and the Environment

  • Improves moisture retention
  • Reduces wilting.
  • Bolsters plant tolerance to certain diseases, insects, and nematodes.
  • Increases plant vigor in sub-optimal conditions by reducing the influences of stress factors.

Recommended Use:

Recommended for cool-season and warm-season turfgrasses. May be used on golf courses, sports fields, and other intensively managed turfs. Also for use on new sod installations, new seedling plantings, hydroseeding, and deep root drench for established trees.


Deep Root Feed for Trees

Do NOT Foliar Apply. Apply in holes 4”-24” (6 cm - 60 cm) deep, in a 2’x2’ (33 cm x 33 cm) grid pattern within dripline, at a rate of 2 oz. per 1" (60 ml. per 2.5 cm) diameter at breast height of tree. BOLSTER can be tank mixed with most fertilizers although the standard quart jar test should be run prior to mixing.

Guaranteed Analysis

Sulfur (S) 2.0%
Iron (Fe) 5.0%

Total Plant Nutrition

    Solubilized Seaweed (Ascophyllum Nodosum)2.0%Humic Acids (from Leondardite) 4.0%

Derived from Iron Sulfate.

Dilute with water at 50:1

All application rates are for concentrate prior to dilution with water.

BOLSTER® can be tank-mixed with most fertilizers although the standard quart jar test should be run prior to mixing. This product is intended as a supplement to a regular fertilization program and will not by itself supply all the nutrients normally required by plants.

Shake Well Before Using

Uses & Application:Application Rates
Rate (Oz./1,000 ft2) Rate (Gallons / Acre) Application Timing
Fairways, Sports Fields & Intensively Managed Turf 3.0 1 every 10 weeks
Putting Greens and Tee Boxes 1.5 - 3.0 0.5 - 1.0 Every 2 - 4 weeks
Overseeding 3.0 1 after seeding
Hydroseeding 3.0 1 in mixture with seed
New Seedlings 3.0 1 every 8 weeks after seeding
Sod Installation 3.0 1 2 weeks prior to harvest & after installation
Deep Root Feed for Trees Do NOT Foliar
Apply in holes 4”-24” deep, in a 2’x2’ grid pattern within drip line, at a rate of 2 oz. per one inch diameter at breast height of tree.

Sustane 3-7-2 All Natural Fertilizer w/ Mycorrhizae and Humates

3 7 2MycoHumMED50lb 600wide
Label Spec Sheet MSDS

Suståne 3-7-2 Natural and Organic Fertilizer with Mycorrhizae and Humates

Suståne 3-7-2 helps build healthy soil microbial communities in damaged or depleted soils. The addition of beneficial microbiology from aerobic compost combined with mycorrhizal fungi and humic acid promotes microbial bio-diversity.


Suståne 3-7-2 Natural Organic Fertilizer combines nutrient-dense, concentrated compost with mycorrhizal fungi and additional humates from lignite. Suståne replenishes the soil with a rich supply of humus (stabilized organic matter) and all of the essential nutrients required for quality growth. Suståne 3-7-2 provides a concentrated package of plant macro and micronutrients and organic substances and beneficial microbiology. Suståne 3-7-2 is derived from biologically stable compost plus humates, feather meal, and mycorrhizae.

Recommended Use:

Suståne 3-7-2 All-Natural Fertilizer promotes a rapid rate of vegetative establishment. Quick ground cover minimizes soil erosion and the need for repairs or re-seeding. Ideal for reclamation, bio-remediation, revegetation, and building of disturbed or depleted soils, native plant establishment, construction site vegetation, beach restoration, burn area reestablishment and mine site reclamation.

Benefits of Suståne 3-7-2 with Mycorrhizae and Humates

  • Increases microbial diversity index in soils.
  • Enhances plant stress tolerance in any environment or soil type.
  • Adds approximately 12% humates by weight.
  • Contains all primary, secondary and tertiary nutrients for plant growth.
  • Low Salt Index (6) allows for optimal native plant establishment.
  • Supplies soil with 60% Organic Matter in the form of stabilized humus.
  • Carbon: Nitrogen Ratio (8:1) ensures no N immobilization in soil.
  • Increases the nutrient and water holding capacity of the soil.
  • Enhances the soil’s ability to suppress plant pathogens.
  • Improves and sustains soil health.
  • Improves buffering against changes in soil pH.
  • Increases the soil’s C.E.C (cation exchange capacity).
  • Improves soil structure, porosity, and stability leading to greater root development, infiltration, and soil micropores.

Always Safe for Plants, People and the Environment

  • Manufactured by Suståne® in the USA at an EPA-permitted facility.
  • Pathogen and weed/seed-free, no sewage sludge, blood, or meat products.
  • The only organic allowed for export to over 50 countries worldwide.
  • Suståne 3-7-2 is rich in microbial diversity and humic substances that are part of the natural cycling of plants and nutrients in all soils.
  • Aerobic composting eliminates animal and rodent attraction to the application site.
  • Easy to apply and predictable every time. The most effective
  • Suståne is fully composted - not sterilized; enhancing the soil environment for beneficial microbial populations.

Sustane Mycorrhizae under a microscopeMycorrhizae

Mycorrhizae work by delivering nutrients from the soil to the plant's roots. This results in greatly reduced fertilization needs and increased water availability. Mycorrhizae help to eliminate nitrogen runoff, can take 30% more carbon out of the air, and add to the health of plants.


Humates are highly compressed, natural organic humus, the decayed remains of tropical rain forests, which existed millions of years ago in what is now the southwestern United States. Humates add organic material containing humic acids to your soil, which stimulates soil life. Sustane Humates are naturally-occurring, unaltered oxidized lignite and contain a supplemental source of trace elements.

Suståne Integrated Soil Management Programs:

Land Management, Native Restoration & Erosion Control Programs:

  • for 45 lb. of N per acre apply 1,500 lb.
  • for 90 lb. of N per acre apply 3,000 lb.
  • for 130 lb. of N per acre apply 4,333 lb.
Broadcast: Incorporate into the top 204 inches of soil
  • Heavy, Silty, Clay Loam: 100 lb. per 1,000 square feet
  • Medium, Clay Loam Soil: 160 lb. per 1,000 square feet
  • Light, High Sandy Soil: 200 lb. per 1,000 square feet

*Hydroseeding: Mix with water solution at a ratio of 4 lb. Suståne 3-7-2 to 1 gallon of water or 2 tons per 1,000-gallon tank.

  • Incorporate 130 lb per 1,000 ft2 into the damaged soil.
  • Re-apply 60 to 90 days later at a rate of 68 lb. per 1,000 ft2.

Crop Production

Broadcast Application Rates:

  • Low Rate: apply 800 lb. per acre
  • Medium Rate: apply 1,333 lb. per acre
  • High Rate: apply 1,867 lb. per acre

Timing and Methods of Application:

  • Fall application, post-harvest. Broadcast apply followed by light incorporation.
  • Spring application, pre-plant. Broadcast apply followed by light incorporation.
  • During planting, it can be applied by grain drills, banded or air seeders, direct with seed.
  • During cultivation, apply next to row or use Suståne 8-2-4 for higher N demanding crops.

Preparation for Gardens, Landscapes, and Agricultural Crop Land:

Suståne 3-7-2 is intended as a general soil builder for broadcast application and improving soil organic matter levels, cation exchange capacity and enhancing and diversifying soil biological activity levels.

Soil Preparation:

  • Light, High Sandy Soil: 20 lb. per 100 square feet of bed
  • Medium, Clay Loam Soil 16 lb. per 100 square feet of bed
  • Heavy, Silty, Clay Loam 10 lb. per 100 square feet of bed

Fertilizer Maintenance for Large Trees:

Once trees have become well established, apply Suståne into holes punched into the ground within tree crown drip line. Once the tree has developed a 4-6 inch diameter, increase application rate to 1.5 lb. of Suståne per inch of tree trunk diameter.

Guaranteed Analysis

Total Nitrogen 3%
0.3% Ammoniacal Nitrogen
0.3% Water Soluble Organic Nitrogen
2.4% Water Insoluble Organic Nitrogen*
Available Phosphate (P2O5) 7%
Soluble Potash (K2O) 2%
Calcium (Ca) 6.00%
Magnesium 1.00%
Sulfur 1.00%

Total Plant Nutrition

Iron 0.50%
Manganese 0.05%
Zinc 0.05%
Humic Acid 12%
Organic Matter 60%
pH 7.0
Carbon: Nitrogen (C:H) 8:1
Bulk Density lb./cu. ft 38
Salt Index (scale 1-100) 6
% of Total N as Slow Release 80%

Non-plant Food Ingredients:

Humic Acid 12%

Derived from lignite and composted turkey litter.

Arbuscular Mycorrhizae Inoculum (VAM) ..................... 4.80 spores/g

  • Rhizophagus irregularis 3.36 spores/g
  • Rhizophagus clarus 0.48 spores/g
  • Septoglomus deserticola 0.48 spores/g
  • Claroideoglomus etunicatum 0.48 spores/g

Derived from aerobically composted turkey litter, feather meal and lignite.
*2.4% slowly available nitrogen from aerobically composted turkey litter, feather meal and lignite.

Available Particle Size:

  • Medium Grade, 200 SGN (2.8mm - 1.4mm)

General Coverage:

  • 33 lb. covers 1,000 ft2 @ 1 lb. N per 1,000 ft2 (44 lb. N per acre)
  • 16.1 kg covers 100 m2 @ 0.5 kg N per 100 m2 (50 kg N per hectare)


  • Apply 33 lb. per 1000 ft2
  • Apply 161 g per 1 m2