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Mycorrhizal Biostimulant & Bacterial Inoculant
Blend of enhanced mycorrhizal inoculant, beneficial bacteria and humic acid.
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- - OMRI Certificate

Four highly effective select species of arbuscular mycorrhizae inoculant in granular form.
- - Spec Sheet
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- - MSDS

Compost Tea Bags
Reusable 5 lb. Compost Tea Bags provide rich soil microbiology and liquid organic plant nutrition. Makes 50-100 gallons.
- - Spec Sheet
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- - OMRI Certificate

Concentrated Compost
For general soil building. Most economical source of organic nutrients available.
- - Spec Sheet
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- - STA Certificate

All Natural Plant All Purpose Fertilizer
The classic Suståne formulation. Used in organic agriculture since 1988.
- - Spec Sheet
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- - MSDS
- - OMRI Certificate
- - WSDA Certificate

Natural Organic Slow Release Nitrogen Fertilizer for Lasting Plant Nutrition
High organic nitrogen for long-lasting nutrition.
- - Spec Sheet
- - Label
- - MSDS
- - OMRI Certificate
- - WSDA Certificate

Suståne Hi-N 12-0-1 WDF
A high analysis, water-dispersible nitrogen fertilizer formulated to promote rapid and durable greening and plant growth.
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