all 4 bag images is 2 rows
  • Product Page Grid Blurb: For an incredible lawn, all season long

Organic Fertilizers and Soil Builders

Feed the Plant and the Soil

Sustane produces sustainable and effective fertilizers and soil amendments that use natural and organic renewable resources to build soil health and produce highly productive plants.

With over 500 independents research studies over the past 30 years, Sustane has demonstrated to be both environmentally safe and effective on a wide variety of crops in many different growing conditions.

Sustane builds healthy soil through the introduction of beneficial biology, organic matter and a wide range of slow release and plant available nutrients.Through the power of compost, Sustane helps with water infiltration and absorption and while also preventing leaching and allowing soils to retain water and nutrients.

Healthy soils are the foundation of our ecosystem. Sustane mission is to enhance the natural environment by rebuilding soils and growing plants in a productive and sustainable way. 

Suståne products are approved for the production of organic fruits and vegetables.


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Quality Organics

  • Trusted for over 25 years by professional organic growers, nurseries, landscapers, and vegetable farms
  • Sold in over 60 countries
  • Uniform granulation means no dust
  • Aerobically composted, fully stabilized materials mean no offensive odor


  • Renewably sourced compost
  • Recycled agricultural resources
  • All natural and organic nutrients
  • 100% safe for people, pets, and the environment
  • Allowed for use in organic production

4 6 4CompostTeaBagsRootZoneFeederPacksLawnGardenHeader

Sustane4 6 4CompostWITHTeaBagsRootZoneFeederPacksRetailSuståne Compost Tea Bags / Root Zone Feeder Packs


Label (21 g)

Label (RZF)

OMRI Certificate Specification Sheet

Suståne compost tea is designed to provide organic plant nutrition and introduce healthy soil microbiology.

There are multiple benefits to using compost teas. More than supplementary nutrients, compost teas deliver humic substances that can act as biostimulants and active microorganisms that can contribute to nutrient cycling and the ecology of healthy soil.

Using compost teas may reduce the need to apply pesticides. Many reports indicate that compost teas increase plant tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses, reducing the need for other inputs.

21-gram Compost Tea Bags/Root Zone Feeder Packs:
The permeable fertilizer packs are left to steep in a watering can overnight to make a Compost Tea brew for topical application or placed in the soil during transplant as a Root Zone Feeder Pack. 21-gram Suståne Compost Tea Bags provide single-dose applications of Suståne organic slow-release nitrogen fertilizer, designed to provide organic plant nutrition in a completely biodegradable filter pack.

Sustane 5 lb. Compost Tea Bags are ideal for larger-scale operations and are reusable organic cotton bags, which each make 50-100 gallons.

What is Compost Tea?

Aeration during the brewing process increases the level of active microorganisms in the Compost Tea

Compost tea is the result of adding high-quality compost that is rich in beneficial micro-organisms to water with the presence of oxygen and allows it to “brew”. When these microbes are provided with water, oxygen, and a food source the start to multiply rapidly, populating the “tea” with billions of beneficial microbes.

Microbiology from aerobic compost provides numerous benefits to plants and soil. Beneficial micro-organisms compete for resources with the disease-causing bacteria (pathogens) resulting in less disease pressure and healthier plants.

The microbes also go to work converting the nutrients from the compost to water-soluble, plant-available form. This process makes the organic nutrients more readily available and easier for plants to take up. Soluble nutrients result in a faster response from the plant. Some composts are very rich in nutrients resulting in a tea that works as a fertilizer as well as a soil enhancer. Other composts have very little nutrients and do not provide enough plant food alone.

Making high-quality compost tea can be difficult as composts tend to vary significantly in quality. Poorly made compost may contain minimal beneficial micro-organisms and could potentially carry harmful pathogens that could multiply when the compost tea is brewed. Low numbers of microbial populations or the presence of harmful pathogens are often the result of “compost” that was made without oxygen present (anaerobic) or did not have the proper ratio of carbon to nitrogen (C:N) to reach a temperature sufficient to kill harmful pathogens.

Download or view a simple set of instructions to Brew Suståne Compost Tea in your own Backyard.

Benefits of Suståne Compost Tea Bags

  • Increases the nutrient and water holding capacity of the soil
  • Strengthens plants tolerance against hot dry conditions
  • Promotes greater root development
  • Improves buffering against changes in soil pH
  • Increases the soil’s ability to suppress plant pathogens
  • Increases soil porosity and stability for greater root development and water holding capacity

Always Safe for Plants, People, Pollinators, and the Environment

  • Manufactured by Suståne in the USA at an EPA permitted facility.
  • Pathogen and weed-free, no sewage sludge, blood or meat products.
  • Allowed for export to over 60 countries worldwide.
  • Aerobic composting eliminates animal and rodent attraction to the application site.
  • Contains naturally occurring beneficial bacteria and fungi that are necessary to begin the nutrient life cycle in poor soil.
  • Suståne is fully composted eliminating the need for sterilization, permitting a healthy environment for beneficial microbial populations.

Features of Suståne Compost Tea Bags:

  • Assures High-Quality Compost - No need to make your own.
  • Easy and safe to use.
  • Made from Suståne nutrient-dense compost-based fertilizer
  • Plant available organic nutrients -see the fast plant response.
  • In permeable biodegradable paper filter packets.
  • No measuring, no special equipment, no waste.

How Compost Tea is Used:

At the end of the brewing cycle, the water is teeming with beneficial micro-organisms and plant-available nutrients. This water can be sprayed over the plant leaves and roots and used to drench the soil. Plants treated with compost tea will generally look fuller, brighter, and with less disease pressure. Make an enriched compost tea for superior results. Once brewed, it blends well with Suståne’s Hi-N 12-0-1 WDF OR Suståne’s Flourish 8-2-4 WDF to make an enriched compost tea with superior characteristics!

How to Make High-Quality Compost Tea:

compostteainstrcutions Step 1:

Place 1 Suståne 21-gram Compost Tea Bag into the water can (generally 1 teabag per 1 gallon of water). The water should be between 60 and 100 degrees Fahrenheit.

Step 2: (Optional)

Add an inexpensive fish tank aerator and turn on periodically to keep the water aerated. CAUTION: do not leave the aerator running unattended as the brew may foam and could overflow the watering can.

Step 3:

Allow the compost tea to sit (or steep) for at least 12 - 24 hours. This allows time for the microbial populations to multiply and breakdown the organic nutrients.

Step 4:

Apply to plant leaves and roots. Apply the normal amount of water as you would when watering the plant.


  • Use Compost Tea Brew within 36 hours of placing the teabag in the water. The brew will become anaerobic once the microbes have consumed all of the oxygen in the water.
  • Use Compost Tea before plants begin to set fruit. Do Not spray Compost Tea Brew directly onto existing fruits and vegetables.
  • After all of the Compost Tea is used, the remaining pouch or compost inside the reusable 5 lb. Compost Teabag may be placed in the garden or on/in the soil to continue to benefit from the compost fertilizer or place the used Compost Tea pouch into an existing compost pile to jump-start the composting process.

Download or view a simple set of instructions to Brew Suståne Compost Tea in your own Backyard.

Guaranteed Analysis

Compost Tea Bags (21 g)

Total Nitrogen (N) 3%
0.3% Ammoniacal Nitrogen
0.3% Other Water Soluble Nitrogen
2.4% Water Insoluble Nitrogen*
Available Phosphate (P2O5) 5%
Soluble Potash (K2O) 3%
Calcium (Ca) 4%
Magnesium (Mg) 1%
Sulfur (S) 1%
Iron (Fe) 0.5%

Derived from aerobically composted turkey litter.
*2.4% slowly available nitrogen from aerobically composted turkey litter.

Also contains non-plant food ingredients:

Contains 50,000 Colony Forming Units (CFU’s) per gram of the following species:
Bacillus amyloliquefaciens..........................................10,000 CFU’s per gram
Bacillus subtilis...........................................................10,000 CFU’s per gram
Bacillus pumilus..........................................................10,000 CFU’s per gram
Bacillus licheniformis..................................................10,000 CFU’s per gram
Bacillus megaterium...................................................10,000 CFU’s per gram

Commercial 5 lb. and 21-gram Root Zone Feeder Packs

Total Nitrogen (N) 4%
   0.4% Ammoniacal Nitrogen
   0.4% Other Water Soluble Nitrogen
   3.2% Water Insoluble Nitrogen*
Available Phosphate (P2O5) 6%
Soluble Potash (K2O) 4%
Calcium (Ca) 4%

Derived from aerobically composted turkey litter and feather meal
*3.2% slowly available nitrogen from aerobically composted turkey litter and feather meal.

Also contains non-plant food ingredients:

Contains 50,000 Colony Forming Units (CFU’s) per gram of the following species:
Bacillus amyloliquefaciens..........................................10,000 CFU’s per gram
Bacillus subtilis...........................................................10,000 CFU’s per gram
Bacillus pumilus..........................................................10,000 CFU’s per gram
Bacillus licheniformis..................................................10,000 CFU’s per gram
Bacillus megaterium...................................................10,000 CFU’s per gram

  • Product Grade:

Suståne 8-2-4 is a natural organic slow-release fertilizer that provides a high amount of organic nitrogen for lasting plant nutrition.

Sustane 8-2-4 is a nutrient dense and well-balance granular formulated for strong vegetative growth.
OMRI CDFA seal 6cm 4col WashingtonOrganic biobased

5 lb. Label

20 lb. Label

50 lb. Label 
Spec Sheet MSDS OMRI Certificate WSDA Certificate

Suståne 8-2-4 is a natural organic slow-release fertilizer that provides a high amount of organic nitrogen for lasting plant nutrition.


Suståne 8-2-4 natural and organic fertilizer which provides a balanced feed that promotes a rapid and vigorous vegetative establishment with 6 - 12 weeks of nitrogen in the organic slow-release form. Suståne replenishes the soil with a rich supply of humus (stabilized organic matter) and all of the primary, secondary and minor nutrients essential for quality growth. Suståne 8-2-4 provides a combination of dense plant nutrients and organic substances derived from biologically stable compost plus natural sulfate of potash and feather meal.

Suståne 8-2-4 provides a safe, simple, and cost-effective feeding solution for all types of crops. 8-2-4 provides balanced nutrition from seed through harvest. Suståne 8-2-4 is the perfect fertilizer for when you need significant quantities of organic slow-release nitrogen with low burn potential. Great for specialty crop production in high-quality soils or potting mixes.

Suståne 8-2-4 is a complete package fertilizer containing Slow Release Nitrogen, chelated micronutrients, organic phosphorous, and humic substances. Suståne 8-2-4 has been demonstrated time and again to surpass synthetic turf starter fertilizers and other sources of humates and plant biostimulants.

Recommended Use:

For use in the production of certified organic gardens, turfgrass and landscape maintenance, greenhouse bedding plants and annual establishment, erosion control, native reestablishment, and soil reclamation and remediation.

Benefits of Suståne 8-2-4

  • Rich in humic acids
  • Increases the nutrient and water holding capacity of the soil
  • Strengthens plants tolerance against hot dry conditions
  • Promotes greater root development
  • Improves buffering against changes in soil pH
  • Increases the soil’s ability to suppress plant pathogens
  • Increases soil porosity and stability for greater root development and water holding capacity

Always Safe for Plants, People, Pollinators, and the Environment

  • Manufactured by Suståne in the USA at an EPA permitted facility.
  • Pathogen and weed-free, no blood or bone products. Allowed for export to over 60 countries worldwide.
  • Aerobic composting eliminates animal and rodent attraction to the application site.
  • Contains naturally occurring beneficial bacteria and fungi that are necessary to begin the nutrient life cycle in poor soil.
  • Suståne is fully composted eliminating the need for sterilization, permitting a healthy environment for beneficial microbial populations.

Crop Application Rates for Suståne 8-2-4:

CropTimingApplication Methodcups/100ft2lb./1,000ft2lb./acre
Apples/fruit trees annual broadcast 1 lb. per 1" tree dia. 1 lb. per 1" tree dia. 1 lb. per 1" tree dia.
Brassicas* at transplant & 4 leaf stage broadcast 1.4 4.6 200
  2 wk. pre-crown set sidedress 2.6 8.63 375
Carrots at planting & 4wks pre-harvest sidedress 0.7 2.3 100
Curcubits (all vine crops) post plant in row 4 13.8 600
Garlic apply 3x per season sidedress 0.8 2.6 113
Grasses/Forages preplant broadcast 3.8 12.7 550
  post emerge broadcast 8.6 28.7 1250
Legumes preplant broadcast 3 10 440
Lettuce-high density (12-18") at transplant & after 2 wks sidedress 7.8 25.8 1,125
Lettuce-low density (30") at transplant & after 2 wks sidedress 4 12.9 563
Onions at transplant & at 10" ht sidedress 0.8 3.2 140
Peppers at transplant & pre-blossom sidedress 1.2 4 175
Potatoes at seeding direct on row 5.7 19 825
Raspberries, year 1 at transplant banded on row 2.8 9.2 400
Raspberries, year 2 spring application broadcast over row 1 3.5 150
Small Grains at seeding direct with seed 0.3 1.0 44
Strawberries, year 1 at transplant & pre-runner in row 1.7 5.8 250
Strawberries, year 2 at dormancy break broadcast over row 1.0 3.5 150
Sweet Corn, early starter sidedress 2.8 9.2 400
  at layby sidedress 1.4 4.6 200
Sweet Corn, mid-season at planting sidedress 2.8 9.2 400
Squash, hollow stem pre or post plant broadcast 3.5 11.5 500
Tomatoes at transplant sidedress 3-4" away 8.6 28.7 1,250

*Includes broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale, Chinese cabbage, bok choy, and mustard greens.

Suståne Integrated Soil Management Program:

Turf Establishment, Seeding, New Lawn Construction, Laying Sod and Sprigging:

Suståne 8-2-4 is a complete package fertilizer containing Slow Release Nitrogen, chelated micronutrients, organic phosphorous and humic substances. Suståne 8-2-4 has been demonstrated time and again to surpass synthetic turf starter fertilizers and other sources of humates and plant biostimulants.

Preplant - Broadcast and Incorporate into the top 4 in. (10 cm) of soil

  • 25 lb. per 1,000 ft2 or 2,200 lb. per acre
  • 12.5 kg per 100 m2 or 1,250 kg per hectare

Postplant (45-60 days) - Broadcast and water in

  • 12.5 lb. per 1,000 ft2 or 1,100 lb. per acre
  • 6.25 kg per 100 m2 or 1,250 kg per hectare


Turfgrass & Landscape Maintenance:

Professional landscapers have increasingly turned to Suståne 8-2-4 for use on high maintenance turf and landscaped environments. While synthetic fertilizers supply plant growth nutrients, they do not supply the organic matter required to maintain quality growth. Using fully composted natural fertilizers increases the levels of beneficial microbial activity, which in turn converts nutrients into plant-available forms.

Warm Season Turf

  • Athletic Fields, Parks and Lawncare
  • Apply 4-7 times per season
  • Spring and Fall - 12.5 lb. per 1,000 ft2
  • Summer - 10 lb. per 1,000 ft2

Cool Season Turf

  • Athletic Fields, Parks and Lawncare
  • Apply 2-3 times per season
  • 12.5 lbs. per 1,000 ft2

Soil Preparation For Flower & Shrub Beds

  • Light, Sandy Soil: 10 lb. per 100 ft2
  • Medium, Clay Loam Soil: 7.5 lb. ft2
  • Heavy, Silty, Clay Loam: 5 lb. per 100 ft2

Incorporating into Potting Soil Mixes and other Container Substrates:

Sustane 8-2-4 provides a constant release of nutrients when used with container substrates with an average temperature of 70oF / 21oC. When determining application rates consider all cultural practices including irrigation, container substrate physical characteristics, and growing environment.

Container Mix Application Rates:

Container Mix Rates by Volume
lb. per cubic yardkg per cubic meter
Low Med High Low Med High
5.5 10 15 3.3 5.9 8.9

Low Rate: Recommended for use on salt-sensitive species; when concurrent with liquid feed; with production systems utilizing low leaching fractions (less than 10%); and when applied to heavy potting substrates (total porosity less than 65%).

Medium Rate: Recommended for use on medium feeding species; on most nursery stock and foliage plants; and when liquid feed is not performed concurrently.

High Rate: Recommended for use on heavy feeding species; with production systems utilizing high leaching fractions (greater than 20%); and when applied to light, porous substrates (total porosity greater than 80%).

Bulk Density of Suståne 8-2-4:

Rounded Measure (Volume)Grams (weight)
Teaspoon (tsp) Tablespoon (Tbsp.) 1 oz. 1/4 cup 1/2 cup 1 cup
2.8 8.5 17 34 68 136

Container Topdressing Application Rates in Grams:

Container Size
Rate5" Std.6" Std.1 gallon2 gallon3 gallon5 gallon7 gallon10 gallon15 gallon
Low 3 6 7 15 28 45 63 77 82
Med 7 13 19 39 67 108 140 186 200
High 10 18 28 59 104 165 237 285 306
  • These rates are intended as guidelines. Suståne encourages a trial prior to changing any fertilizer program.
  • Do not steam sterilize container mix after fertilizer has been incorporated.
  • Do not store container mix more than two weeks after incorporating fertilizer. Plant material can be damaged by salt accumulation.
  • Monitor electrical conductivity (EC) of container substrate throughout the production cycle.
  • If the mix is stored longer than two weeks, leaching container mix may be required to remove accumulated salts.
  • Adjust application rate as needed.

Guaranteed Analysis

Total Nitrogen (N) 8%
0.8% Ammoniacal Nitrogen
0.8% Water Soluble Organic Nitrogen
6.4% Water Insoluble Organic Nitrogen*
Available Phosphate (P2O5) 2%
Soluble Potash (K2O) 4%
Calcium (Ca) 2.00%

Total Plant Nutrition

Iron (Fe) 0.1%
Magnesium (Mg) 0.5%
Sulfur (S) 1%
Humic Acid 6%
Organic Matter 65%
pH 6.8
Carbon:Nitrogen (C:N) 4:1
Bulk Density lb./cu. ft 38
% of Total N as Slow Release 90%

Derived from aerobically composted turkey litter, feather meal, and sulfate of potash.

*6.4% slowly available nitrogen from aerobically composted turkey litter and feather meal

Available Particle Sizes:

  • Medium Grade, 200 SGN (2.8 mm - 1.4 mm)
  • Fine Grade, 100 SGN (1.4 mm - 0.6 mm)


  • 50 lb. covers 4000 ft2 @ 1 lb. N per 1000 ft2 (44 lb. N per acre)
  • 22.67 kg covers 372 m2 @ 0.5 kg N per 100 m2 (50 kg N per hectare)


  • Apply 12.5 lb. per 1000 ft2
  • Apply 63 g per 1 m2