

PAT2H Horticultural Consulting Services, Ryda, Georgia, 2009

Suståne 4-4-4 + 10% Biochar was evaluated on tomato seedlings and young plants.

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Professional Grade Organic Fertilizers and Composts for the Home Lawn & Garden


Suståne offers the most consumer-friendly line of organic plant food products. Designed for professional growers; Now available for home use. Sustane concentrated compost-based fertilizers build soils and nourish plants while protecting the environment from potentially harmful chemicals. Safe around people, pets, and the environment.

Since 1987, Suståne has been proud to be a part of the global movement toward a more sustainable world: better land management; protection of our waters; saving and rebuilding soils; improving crop health and yields; helping professional growers, home gardeners, and communities alike -- all through the utilization of recycled, renewable, natural resources.

Suståne Natural Fertilizers are supported by over 25 years of independent research. This is why professional growers worldwide trust in Suståne for the production of certified organic crops, establishment and maintenance of high-quality sports fields, help in stabilizing soils with new vegetation in environmentally sensitive areas, and to produce beautiful vegetable gardens and ornamental landscapes.

Suståne 4-6-4 Flower & Vegetable Plant Food -

Recommended for use on vegetables, fruits, flowers and landscape beds, tree and shrub establishment, in potting soil mixes, and for use as a turfgrass starter fertilizer. (Available in 5 lb and 20 lb bags)

Suståne 8-2-4 Lawn & Landscape Plant Food -

Recommended for use on lawns and landscape areas as well as trees, shrubs, flowers, fruits, vegetables and all plant varieties. (Available in 5 lb and 20 lb bags)

Sustane Retail Compost Tea300dpi4x4
Suståne Compost Tea Bags

Easily brew compost tea to make a liquid organic fertilizer. (Pouches of 12 individual teabag packs)


Learn what Makes Suståne "Simply the Best":


  • Over 500 Independent Research Studies since 1980.
  • Rich in micro-nutrients, micro-biodiversity, and humic acids.
  • Long-lasting, slow-release nutrients.
  • Improves soil structure and water and nutrient holding capacities.
  • Used on professional sports fields, golf courses, commercial landscapes and organic farms around the world.


  • Safe for People, Pets, Pollinators, and the Environment.
  • Renewably Sourced, Recycled Agricultural Products.
  • Low Environmental Impact.
  • Low Carbon and Greenhouse Gas Footprint.
  • All Natural, Allowed for Organic Production.


  • Over 30 years of developing professional organic fertilizer products.
  • No Dust - Consistent, uniform granulation.
  • No Offensive Odor - aerobically composted - fully stabilized.
  • Full range of technical support.


Read stories from gardeners, farmers, and growers from around the world who use Suståne on our blog, Suståne the Soil


Uses & Applications :

New Garden Bed Preparation : Apply Suståne to the soil prior to tilling or incorporate into the top four inches of soil.
Vegetable Row Crops : Apply Suståne directly in the row with the seed when planting.
Transplants and Established Plants : Apply Suståne into the hole prior to planting transplants or around the base of the plant for established plants.
Soil Mixes & Potted Plants : Incorporate Suståne into the potting mix before planting or transplanting.
Trees and Shrubs : For new planting, place Suståne in the hole before planting and lightly incorporate. For established trees and shrubs, broadcast Suståne at the base of the plant in the spring and again in the fall. Application rates are based on the individual plant's canopy spread along with the fertilizer analysis.
Turfgrass Establishment (Seed) : Broadcast Suståne with the grass seed when planting.
Turfgrass Establishment (Sod) : Broadcast Suståne prior to laying sod. Lightly incorporate into the top 2 - 4" of soil. Reapply fertilizer 30 - 45 days after laying sod.
For best results, apply water after application. Application rates vary based on soil conditions, plant species, and desired rate of growth. It is recommended to have soil tested prior to applying any fertilizers.

Organic Gardening Case Studies:


Sustainable Organizations: